
  1. S

    Thin chicken in otherwise healthy flock

    Hi everyone! First time posting, but I've looked around and seen similar questions but not exactly the same, so wondering if anyone has any thoughts on my chicken. I'm raising a mixed flock of 6-hens in my backyard, they're about 5-months old now (not laying yet - so can't evaluate whether my...
  2. AChickenBoi

    3 year old hen is displaying ongoing symptoms | please help

    From the last few posts, I have seen odd symptoms in my sapphire gem hen, Rocky. This morning, she was reluctant to come out of the coop. It looked like she is constantly trying to swallow something, and when I set her down to eat, a yellow fluid would dribble out of her beak when she would...
  3. F

    Sleepy & Green!

    Hey all - - I’ve got a 4YO hen who started acting strangely the last day or so: -laying in the run alone instead of free-ranging with sisters -pretty poopy, it seems a bit green as well When I go near her she just gets up and slowly walks a few feet away and lays back down.
  4. Benshensct

    Firm butt, lethargic, pale comb

    My one year old barred rock, Barbara, has been off since mid-April and I’m not sure what to do. I've checked everyone for mites/lice, bumblefoot, sour/hard crop and other common ailments and they're all fine in that regard. The avian vets in CT are not seeing chickens because of avian flu (I...
  5. picklestheduck

    Lethargic chicken with pale comb and shaking head

    Hey y’all my hen Honey has a pale comb and is slow moving and laid down in my lap which she never does, and is shaking her head oddly. She sneezed once when I set her down. She’s just over a year old and lives with 26 other chickens and the 12 ducks which are in the next pen. I have her...
  6. Chevysmom

    Sick duck! Help!

    Yesterday my 1 year old khaki Campbell was not wanting to eat much and then I discovered she was egg bound. I gave her an epsom salt soak and within 30 min she laid one regular egg and one egg yolk only, and then had a soft shell hanging out of her. I gently tried to pull the soft shell out and...
  7. J

    Help with Sick Isa Brown

    My Isa Brown hen, Sugar is 2 1/2 years old. I have one other hen, also a 2 1/2 year old Isa. They sleep in a protected coop at night and free range during the day. Six months ago Sugar molted, stopped laying and never restarted. Over the last couple of months occasionally, she would lay an egg...
  8. PandemicChicken

    Chicken constantly itching all over, lethargic, loss of appetite, extended neck & gaping for air? URI? Please help!

    Hi! These last 2 weeks, my hen has been losing feathers and itching all over, specifically her neck, and has been eating/drinking less and less. At first, I thought she was going through a slow molt with all the itching and feathers she was losing, but many are the fluffy down feathers. She's...
  9. CardinaltheRedRabbit

    An egg-sized mass in abdomen (not egg bound)

    as the title says, I have a chicken that is having a bit of an issue, there's a mass in her abdomen, I thought she was egg bound at first, but after closer inspection, the mass is lumpy and feels like a clump of a few grapes or something of the like (she's also pooing like normal, aside from the...
  10. CrazyGooseLady2000

    Very dizzy goose, maybe riemerella anatipestifer?

    Hi all, We rescued a goose about four months ago. In about mid January we suspect that he had an impacted crop, he was dizzy, falling over, had somewhat of an appetite (but couldn't stretch down to eat), and he couldn't put his head under his wing. At the time, I massaged his crop and helped...
  11. Tmartin7711

    Wheezing and sleepy hen

    Hello Everyone my Millie Calico Cochin (2 years old) is wheezing and sleeping alot. She was broody all winter so I moved her inside. After it got warm I put her back out, for about a week. It snowed and I took her back inside so she would stay warm. She is very lethargic, having a hard time...
  12. TundraFang

    Crop wont empty

    Yesterday I noticed my scissor beak chicken, Mocha, wasn't acting like her usual self. She was sitting in a corner with her feathers fluffed and her wings down. She wouldn't even come to me for food. I took her to a vet and I was told she should be put down because of her deformity. She has...
  13. katie_94

    Crop issue? Quail spit up water, lethargic, and dropped wings

    While in the quail run, I noticed one of the female quails had dropped wings and was closing her eyes a lot and walking very slowly. I gently picked her up and she spat out/threw up water which I could assume at first she had a little hiccup with her crop. I also saw her poop but it was white...
  14. KimTatum03

    Help Lethargic Quail

    Could someone help me figure out what is wrong with my quail. I had been sick with Covid for about seven days. Today I went to check on my birds, the neighborhood kid was feeding and watering. This particular cage was out of food and water and this bird appears ill. He said he thought he had...
  15. Sgalli

    Sick serama?!?! Advice please!!

    Hello all, went to check the birds this morning and my poor little serama slowly walked up to me this morning. She looked cold and pathetic. Shivering. Over all lethargic. She feels a bit lighter than normal. Her comb and wattles are red still. I brought her inside to warm up on the heating...
  16. AngelaY

    Special needs duck(ling) not doing well... Any thing I can do?

    I have a duck"ling" that has MANY special needs, she was born paralyzed in both her legs (she can walk now, not well, but she gets where she needs to go), her tongue is severely deformed, it's just a ball in the back of her mouth, she is pretty small for her age, and her feathers are not growing...
  17. r_o_o_s_t_e_r

    sick hen and swollen rooster face

    im more concerned about the hen because she’s not active. the rooster is still active, just has had a lump on his face for the past couple days. he’s acting as normal. but the hen isnt moving, and the way shes standing almost looks like a tom’s strut. shes very lethargic and isnt eating much...
  18. 30h1ppu5

    Pullet lethargic and passing solid grassy poop?

    Hi friends, I have a 12 week old EE pullet who became lethargic yesterday and continued the lethargy today as well as seeming very uncoordinated. She has been eating and drinking periodically on her own but she has lost all of her weight. She is pooping very thin, watery, white poop. I’ve...
  19. WhiskeyShadow

    Can't walk, acting lethargic, wasting away, poopy butt

    1) Easter Egger Hen, 2 yrs old, getting thinner by the day/significant weight loss 2) Not her normal self, not joining the flock (free range), staying close to coop, puffed up/cold looking, laying down, unable to stand, falls over everytime she tries to stand. Less mobility with each passing day...
  20. Jen1989

    Not to well chicken, potentially infectious coryza

    Hi everyone, I have a 3yo cornish indian game bird called Penny who's not been doing too well today. Shes been sneezing for the past few days, I've had respiratory aid in her water, she had a full crop last night. I've also noticed this week small amounts of blood in some of her poop (see pic)...
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