
  1. BrahmaMom1797

    Lethargic and Ill Hen

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Rhode Island Red. She’s approximately 5 years old is my best guess, she doesn’t feel much lighter but I rarely hold her for her comfort. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. A bit...
  2. TheStanleyCoop

    Sour Crop? Please help Wing Gretzky!

    My R.I.R hen, Wing Gretzky, is not feeling well! She has been lethargic, won't peck at anything, stopped eating, just not her usual spunky self. She has been like this for about 4 days now, I separated her from the flock 2 days ago. She is in my dog kennel chicken hospital in the house. She had...
  3. A

    Emergency - Lethargic Cockerel

    Hey there, I have a 4 month old cockerel who is quite lethargic. He's not eating or drinking on his own and stands with his head huddled close to his body. He's a Golden Laced Polish and weighs approximately 3.5 lbs. He stands huddled over or lays down. This has been happening since Monday...
  4. 5

    Will My Hen Survive?? Soft Eggs, Impacted Crop....

    Hello everyone, My Rosie was helped 2 weeks ago...You can read about it by clicking --> here My Rosie was fine laying and an empty crop, up until Saturday morning.... That morning she had an impacted crop and was acting slow. So, I automatically restricted her free ranging, gave her olive oil...
  5. E

    Hen was injured and does not eat/drink/move

    Hello, One of my chickens got attacked and injured on one cheek right below her peak, towards the neck. We’re not sure by what, but we are assuming it might have been a raccoon/possum/hawk or cat. It has been about 7 days since the incident. We quarantined her and had to start force feeding her...
  6. K

    2.5 week old duck, abnormal poop, lethargic

    My duck is 2.5 weeks old. Having trouble walking. One leg isn’t working. Cannot support its own weight for more than a few steps. It has been eating and drinking, but it has taken convincing to get it to. It also has a very tight neck. It’s poop is pretty inconsistent to say exactly what type of...
  7. 13hens

    Lethargic Lady

    Hi Friends! I have a 3 month old cream leghorn chicken who is usually very interested in every single thing and the first one to greet me when I come to the coop. This afternoon I went to give the girls some veggie treats she did not come to meet me immediately, and I noticed she was in a corner...
  8. chickstagram

    Disoriented, crouch-walking Pullet. What's wrong with Pippa?

    Hello BYC fam! We are first time chicken tenders and sometimes have no idea what's happening when things go wrong. Earlier today I noticed Pippa, our 3 month old black maran pullet, crouch-walking. My first search advised to check her feet for swells or bumblefoot, and in her raw, dirty...
  9. S


    I have a twelve chicken flock. My buff orpington, Patty was not in the roost the other night when I went to close the coop door. We had recently got a new lighting setup for my coop, and I figured it just needed to be adjusted and it was too dark for her to want to jump onto a roost. So I picked...
  10. Randu

    2 yr old hen - poo-covered butt feathers, behaviour change

    Problem: I have a 2yr old layer hen that has recently developed a very poo (and dirt from dirt bathing) covered area below her vent. Today I noticed when she was trying to poo, they looked normal, but very small amounts coming out and sometimes runny - compounding her dirtiness. She also was not...
  11. PeaPod117

    Sick rooster?

    So I have a rooster who seems a little... off, today. For one, he didn’t run out when I poured the food into their pen, but he was drinking water. He kept wanting to go back under the coop and stand there, but I thought maybe being free range for a bit would help him. He’s pecked at a few things...
  12. Pugerpillar

    Chick gasping for air and is only half conscious

    Does anyone know what's wrong with her? She's so lethargic and I don't think she's getting enough oxygen. Her chirps are scratchy and shrill when she does get knocked out of her gasping, dizzy state, usually only ever because she got scared or excited.
  13. WeNeedDrPhil

    Chick is making gurgling noises when peeping.

    Hey everyone, my hatchings are now a few weeks old and for the most part they're doing fine except 5 of them, which looked slightly lethargic. I took them inside and notices that their crops were empty. I soaked some bread in warm water and added a decent amount of vinegar into the mix and let...
  14. Waqar4

    Hen isn't well for two days. Need help.

    Hi, We have a four years old Hen (either Orpington or Rhode Island). She became broody a year back and hasn't laid eggs since. But has been in perfect health, eats well, poops big and runs around. But since last two days we have noticed that she's become lethargic, is making painful sounds (low...
  15. JuneJ58732

    Rooster acting strange and has green poop

    Hello, my rooster hasn't been himself lately. I've been keeping an eye on him, but I'm worried I haven't taken this as seriously as I should have. Symptoms: He seems to be a bit lethargic: He isn't crowing nearly as much as he used to. He seems "down". Green poop: I've noticed in his...
  16. SKKreativ

    Acting Lethargic & Weird Neck Motions

    Hi BackYard Chicken Members, I am in need of help in identifying what is wrong with my 1-year-old black Silkie. I have noticed for the past month her behaviour has changed, first she stopped laying eggs so I thought she went broody, then she started to moult so I associated her behaviour with...
  17. ClucksAndCombs

    Recent Lethargic Senior Hen

    Hello, Just today, I noticed one of my Cinnamon Queens of five years acting a bit weird. After a few quick inspections, I brought her inside, thinking a crop issue. She (reluctantly) ate the nystatin, probiotics cheese mixture. Afterward, she seemed to be straining as if to poop or lay an egg...
  18. PeaPod117

    Droopy chick

    I put my chicks outside today, and I fell asleep once I finished. When I woke up, it was raining. I ran and grabbed my chicks and brought them inside, letting them dry under a hair dryer and giving them food. One of the chicks doesn’t seem to feel well and her wings are drooping and her eyes are...
  19. T

    Respiratory Virus

    We have been struggling with a viral infection for about a week now. It started with one bird (who recently went to fair) and is slowly moving through my flock. It’s all upper respiratory. My vet started the flock on antibiotics 4 days ago. The first bird that showed symptoms improved initially...
  20. D

    HELP: shell-less eggs, broken soft shell (in vent), white and foamy diarrhea.

    Hey Friends, I don't have much more to add outside of the title besides the fact that my sweet Spam is clearly not feeling too well and is lethargic. I've found a few odd bits of soft shell that someone had clearly passed in the coop, though I wasn't sure who. Then I found or or two signs that...
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