
  1. CloneFly

    Time for the guessing game!

    So... despite having added 8 chicks to our flock back in April bringing us to a total of 20, chicken math struck again and persuaded us that we need 2 cuckoo marans, 3 amererucanas and 1 white leghorn. I've wanted these breeds for a while, so no complaint... but we're at 3wks and I'm seeing...
  2. L

    Black Americana Hen x Brown Leghorn

    Hello! Has anyone ever crossed true Americana black hen with a brown Leghorn rooster? What do the hens and roosters end up looking like? All Easter Egger layers? Hearty? Thank you for any answers and photos! ❤️🐓
  3. CITYS84

    Welsummer Barnevelder Araucana Exchequer Leghorn sexing?

    What do you think? I’m thinking 3 hens 1 Roo… happy to be advised otherwise?! They are coming up to 5 weeks old.
  4. seven possums

    Prolapsed hen - oral antibiotics, yes or no?

    Hello all. Quick & dirty background: Backyard flock of 4, all ~2 y/o, no issues until now, wood coop & covered run, hay & wood shavings + PDZ in coop. Magnolia is a 1.5 y/o white leghorn, between 2-3lb, adopted w/2 others last fall from MSPCA-Nevins Farm in MA as rescues from an abuse/neglect...
  5. L

    Is this a 9 week old Leghorn Rooster?

    I have no idea if this is a rooster or a leghorn because he/she reddened up quickly and I didn't think leghorns were a breed tractor supply had offered at the time but it looks so much like one. It is 9 weeks old and super friendly but I see the tail feathers arching a bit and that comb and...
  6. kimmmmmmm


    I ordered baby chicks online and they are supposed to be picked up but I don’t know if McMurray hatchery is going to send the baby chicks to my nearest post office or a different post office please help!
  7. kimmmmmmm

    leghorn rooster

    i ordered baby leghorn chicks online 5 girls and one boy im scared the rooster is going to be aggressive to my mom and me if it does it will end up in a good dinner but what was your guys experience with leghorn white roosters?
  8. CCsGarden

    Chickens and Flowers

    I'm CC and this is Agathae in my flower garden
  9. S

    White leghorn broody or sick?

    I have a flock of 6 white leghorns who are all around 1 year old. I'm worried about and one of my girls. She's been displaying signs of being broody for around a week, staying in the nesting box all day and not eating and drinking, and if i take her out, she'll peck around for a minute or so and...
  10. M

    My two roosters goes berserk whenever they see me (my feet in particular).

    Hi. I am new to this platform and I hope I've reach the right audience to my current problem that's causing me stress lately regarding my two chickens. :) My chickens (both leghorns) are five months old now and whenever I go outside my house, the first thing they do is attack my feet. I now...
  11. W

    White leghorn death.. ovuduct impaction? Avian flu?

    Hello all, I hate to make a first post for this reason, but one of my girls passed this morning, and I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me figure out why? (I know nobody is going to be able to tell me exactly what happened, I’m just curious and pretty concerned. I wasn’t home over...
  12. hannahsocal

    How to tell the difference between California white leghorns and white leghorns?

    Just as the question says! :) How can you tell the difference between these two breeds since they look basically identical?
  13. T

    Can anyone tell me if this is a leghorn or a Rhode Island white? Thanks!

    This is a chicken I am thinking about buying to put in with my Rhode Island Red hens. Just trying to figure out what breed it but all the pictures I’ve found are similar so I’m not sure and these are the only pictures she has sent me. Any help would be great.
  14. ACluckAboveTheRest

    Show and Tell Time

    Hello BYC tribe! I wanted to share my ladies :) with you. My flock was first a flock of leghorns, that were rehomed to me from their original owners who were moving out of state. And then we just recently adopted some rehomed hens. A white Plymouth and her 2 polish sisters. I’m new to all this...
  15. Pcmandooo

    Olive egger/Rhode Island crossed to grey leghorn

    Last year we purchased a rooster that we thought was exceptionally beautiful and great attitude. He was the result of an Olive Egger rooster over a Rhode Island hen. He was thick in body, heavy feather with a short fat comb, thick legs. We then bred the rooster to our two grey leghorns, two...
  16. Alpine Bobwhite

    What would you say are the BEST tempered, GOOD laying, NICE looking hens?

    Which sorts of chicken would you say have a nice temperament, are good layers and look nice. I saw that leghorns look nice and lay about 300 eggs per year, but can be unfriendly, what would you say? If they are raised from chicks, will they be friendly? :jumpy
  17. ScratchScratchPeck

    Green Poop.

    I keep getting Leghorn hens with poop like this, I never find the right answer, and they always end up dying. It's only ever been my Leghorns, don't know why. Maybe one of you have the right answer and a solution for me because I am so lost. I found her hiding under my porch and brought her in...
  18. EasterEggers19

    Gender of 6 Week Old White Leghorns

    Hello all! :cool: I have several 6 week old chicks that I'm raising. Two of them are White Leghorns, and I have zero prior experience with this breed so I was hoping some of the peeps on here could help me figure out the gender of them! I know they're still young so it might be difficult for...
  19. currythecockerel

    Hen laid deformed egg!

    Hi everyone, I’m a bit alarmed because this morning my leghorn hen laid an egg but it seemed to be missing some shell. In the past few weeks she has also laid eggs which looked a little cracked but I thought it was because I might’ve accidentally bumped them or something. She gets a diet of...
  20. S

    Sick hens!

    One of my ~2 year old Leghorns has diarrhea and stopped laying about 5 days ago, and she used to lay everyday. I did find a large soft shelled egg in the coop yesterday, though, that I assume is hers. I also noticed my ~4 month old Silkie has what looks to be bloody poop. I found 2 spots...
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