
  1. ChickieChickieMama

    San Jose CA- Silkie, Polish, Cochin, Leghorn, Welsummer Cockerels

    I've chickened out of keeping a bachelor pad for my accidental roosters, so I'm now looking for homes for some different juvenile cockerels: Hatched March 27: Two unknown cockerels, presumed to be one Brown Leghorn and one Welsummer (were sold as Welsummer Pullets); Cinnamon Buff Standard...
  2. A

    My chickens wont go broody!

    So I have 3 chickens, one leghorn and two isa browns and they wont go broody! I have 5 fertile eggs but none of them have tried sitting on them. I even have tried putting rosemary in and fake eggs. They are at point of lay, about 30 weeks or so. I'm afraid that the eggs might die if it gets too...
  3. DanielG

    Learned my first chicken LESSON within four hours !!?

    Ok, 4 hours in and I had my first chicken causality. I went into the coop to hang a toy and the door behind me opened up and my leg horn got away into the woods. Rule #1: invest in two screw eyes and a bungee cord so when you go into the coop the door closes behind you. Live and Learn ! What...
  4. cmaagesen

    Pullets or cockerels?

    Help! I have three (I hope) ladies around 2 months old that I'm questioning. The seller said the white one is a leghorn, but she is enormous and has grown much faster than the other two- her legs are quite large. Super docile and sweet in temperament. She has the reddest and largest waddle/comb...
  5. RUNuts

    Egg sizes

    From Wiki and USDA: Jumbo eggs are 2.5 oz, XL are 2.25, L 2.0, M 1.75, S 1.5, PeeWee 1.25 oz I am getting 1-3 small eggs daily. Cute little buggers. So I eat those for breakfast the next day. Try to put the larger ones aside for customers. These are large by rating, so we are good, but I...
  6. terichick

    Leghorn hen is sick?

    Today I noticed one of my brown leghorns acting pretty out of it today. She’s been slouching a bit, and overall acting as if something was wrong. I noticed her comb being a bit more droopy than usual, and it appears to be turning black. Her droppings are appearing as runny and a bit green. I’m...
  7. B

    Hello from NH!

    I've recently started with 4 baby chicks. They've gone from a soft downy yellow to 4 strikingly white beauties. I'm loving their personalities already.
  8. B

    Hello from NH!

    I've recently started with 4 baby chicks. They've gone from a soft downy yellow to 4 strikingly white beauties. I'm loving their personalities already.
  9. R

    Chicken eye swollen shut

    I need help on what this is and how to cure it!
  10. M

    Missing feathers

    So I have a 7 week old leghorn that has some issues. First, she is about 3x the size of my other leghorn and is wobbly and not walking right. Also, for like 3 weeks or so she has been missing a bunch of feathers. Her entire underside looks naked and under her wings. About a week ago she was in a...
  11. RingoldChick

    Production Reds or ?

    I have pullet and a cockerel...that I originally thought were Welsummers...but the consensus has been that they are Prob a my Production Reds. I believe the pullet is definitely Production Red but I think the cockerel may be something else. What do you think? Pullet
  12. A

    New mama from South Africa

    Hey guys :) Been lurking around on the forums for a little while and finally decided to create an account: I'm fairly new to chickens, had my first flock this year. I had 2 Koekoek hens, 3 Boschvelder ladies and a Boschvelder rooster. Sadly, all were taken by -- wait for it -- baboons, while...
  13. C

    Duck attacking hen

    I have a male duck who recently started attacking one of my hens. It started after I had to kill one of the hens that he grew up with (she was sick). I went to give this hen a bath and I found that not only was she bruised all over, but she has what looks likes scabs all over her back and under...
  14. N

    Bullied chick

    Hello! First time chicken owner here We got chicks last Saturday (4 day old black sex-links, 4 day old brown leghorns, 4 1-week old golden wyandottes) and I've noticed one of the wyandottes is being bullied. The other chicks are not allowing her to drink or eat. She is the same size now as the...
  15. C

    One Eyed Brown Leghorn Chick

    I've had this chick for roughly a week and I've noticed her right eye is missing. Her beak is fine and doesn't appear to be having any other problems, however I was hoping to get any advice on caring for her that I can. That goes for immediate or preventive action. I can post a picture of her...
  16. Mrs Ugh

    Leghorn with Brown Eggs?

    I know they are supposed to lay white eggs but I'd swear one of mine is laying brown eggs. I did buy her from TSC (as an Isa Brown), so perhaps she is something else? Here is my rationale: 1) I have 10 hens (4 leghorns, 3 Isa Browns, 2 Australorpes, and 1 Buff Orpington) about 7 months old...
  17. H

    3 week leghorn gender?

    i got these chicks from a rodeo a few weeks ago. Not sure about breed. They are all white, maybe leghorn. I cannot tell if they are boys or girls. Any ideas? Thank you!!!
  18. NineChickens

    "Special" leghorn? Question

    I joined BYC about a year ago asking for help with one of my girls because Google didn't have any answers. All they could give me were suggestions. I ended up separating her from the flock in case her condition was contagious and she ended up being alone for almost a month. My parents said i...
  19. Geneticsnut

    Blue Light Brown Leghorn Hatching Eggs For Sale

    Offering hatching eggs from my Blue Light Brown Leghorns for $30 plus $18 shipping per dozen. I've developed this flock of Blue Light Brown Leghorns in the last 6 years from an out cross with Blue Andalusian to my Light Brown Leghorns. They are now breeding true to Leghorn type, however, due to...
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