
  1. T

    3 Original breeds to create all the following;

    If i wanted to breed birds that would allow me to have the following outcomes; White Eggs Brown Eggs Blue Eggs Green/Olive Eggs Sex Link (Red or Black) Dual Purpose for all if possible. How many original breeds of chicken would i need to start with? I understand i would need to start with the...
  2. The LiveOaks Homestead

    do we have a male and female?

    We have 2 heritage bronze turkeys that are now 8 weeks old. I don’t know if we have a pair male or female? I’m new here so if I’m in the wrong thread/group please tell me.
  3. V

    heritage vs mutt, which is more hardy?

    Just a thought that came to mind... Many heritage breeds are cold hardy, take heat well enough (as long as you give them shade and water), and free range well enough. Do you think mutt chickens would be more hardy? Or could you Rhode Islanders or Plymouths (or any breed really become more...
  4. E09CDA09-F918-4CB2-BC2E-177AFCFA66C3.jpeg


    Heritage Roo
  5. RaresightFarms

    Best Heritage Breed for to Improve Small Broilers?

    Hi all. We are starting a fibro broiler project and are looking for advice. We intend to use Svart Hona, a slightly stockier (and winter-hardy) fibro breed than the more popular Ayam Cemani; they top out at 5-7lbs, vs the Cemani 3.5-5.5lbs. However, that's adult weight, not butchering weight...
  6. H

    WANTED: Sustainable Heritage Meat Breed Chicks | Alabama

    Any breeders looking to sell heritage meat breed chicks or hatching eggs? Looking to start a sustainable flock from good lines. Any recommendations?
  7. Austinb1395

    What breed are these White Turkeys?

    Can someone tell me if my turkeys are heritage or bbb? This is my first year raising them. I bought them from Tsc on April 9th and they told me they were Broad Breasted. Well they’re like 25 weeks old now and I haven’t weighed them but they’re probably like 15 pounds maybe. They free range our...
  8. K

    How can I encourage my heritage turkeys to roost in a tree and not on a roof?

    Hi All -- Second year in a row I am raising up a bunch (25-30) of heritage breed turkeys for holiday eating. Mostly mixed breed heritage (generally looking like standard bronzes but some lighter) and Bourbon reds. Last year, I didn't clip wings and these strong flyers would roost all over, but...
  9. Wild-Turkey

    Processing Turkeys - Questions and Ranting??

    Hello, We plan to process three jakes tomorrow. They are all heritage. We have to buy a hatchet, a bucket, and some ice. This is my first time and we do not have most of the supplies yet, we can’t afford a plucker or the supplies to make a scalding tank. We plan to stick their heads through a...
  10. PioneerChicks

    Bantam heritage breeds

    Hi! I'm trying to find a list of all the bantam heritage breeds, but haven't had much luck. I am specifically wondering if bantam Plymouth Rocks can be considered heritage, but would like to know other breeds too. I have also been trying to find a list that contains all the heritage breeds...
  11. DTFPappy

    Howdy from NEMississippi

    Duck Trails Farm is our homestead in northeastern Mississippi, USA. We've been out of the country for quite a while and are new to the area, just building up the farm preparing it for livestock in the spring. Our goals are to enjoy the quiet country life and help preserve the integrity and...
  12. zebradreams07

    Ranger breeding project

    I know I'm not the first person to have this idea, so before I dive in and go full crazy chicken lady (I'm already the crazy goat lady!) I'd love to hear from people who have attempted breeding Rangers before - from whichever proprietary line. What were your goals, what worked or didn't, what's...
  13. TheChiggens

    What Breeds are Going Extinct?

    Does anyone know what breeds are going extinct? I know they are heritage breeds. Also, does anyone else has experience with trying to keep these heritage birds pure and alive.
  14. Lake2day

    ISO reputable Heritage Dominique breeder

    Hi guys! I’m looking to add some Heritage Dominiques to my flock and would like to support a small heritage breeder. I’m in Alabama but will purchase mail order chicks or hatching eggs. Know anyone?
  15. Sundogz

    Potential brain damage from hypothermia? Please help diagnose this Turkey!

    My bird Meatball is a 4-month-old heritage turkey hen. She's a good size and is very feisty, but this morning she fell off the coop and got stuck in near-freezing mud. We found her likely within two hours (I was not awake when it happened) kicking her legs in a pinwheel unable to get up. We...
  16. N

    Chicks in East Tn

    I have been keeping a small yard flock of chickens for a couple of years. I want to have some regular breeds, heritage breeds and broody breeds. I dont know where to find them in East Tennessee. Any suggestions?
  17. Beccazon

    Michigan Breeders??

    I see on the list there are 2 MI breeders and only one has chickens. Can anyone refer me to any other breeders in Michigan? NOT hatcheries please. The Thumb/Mid-Michigan region would be best really anywhere in the LP is worth a look see. If it is helpful, these are the particular breeds I am...
  18. nikoleb

    Breeders of heritage meet birds

    Does anyone out there raise and breed their own heritage meat birds and can ship and sell them as chicks? I heard the heritage breeders have a lot better stock than the hatcheries. I am in Idaho.
  19. starfiresr22

    Dual purpose breed for tick control

    I am curious to see what breeds you guys would recommend for me as I'd like to start raising chickens for some meat as well (and I have also spent lots of time searching the forums here). I live in Wisconsin, so winter hardiness is important, and on ten acres. My primary purpose for my birds...
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