
  1. Metu

    Dominique Barring - Dominicker Pullet

    I have 5 little Dominickers aged almost 6 weeks. They are 3 cockerels and 2 pullets. I've named only one - Daisy, my grandmother's name, who kept these chickens for years. Now take a look at her. She is the girl on the right with what appears to be yellow bars on her neck. I've not seen this...
  2. B

    When does a rooster start to crow?

    I have a Dominicker rooster that has yet to crow. We bought him in April and it looks like he’s full grown, being that he is only slightly smaller than my older girls, but he hasn’t crowed at all yet? Is it still too early? He had the feathering of a male bird. I’ll attach a photo that was...
  3. B

    Could my hen be a rooster?

    I have a Dominicker named Blueberry Michelle and recently I’ve noticed that her tail feathers have a curl or sickle shape to them. My mom says that some hens can have tail feathers like that and we hope she’s not a rooster cause we planned on only having chickens for eggs not breeding. If she is...
  4. B

    Are Dominque chickens angry/bullies?

    I recently got a Dominicker, what I’ve been taught to call Dominque chickens, as a replacement for a chick that died. The chick I originally bought was either a Barred Rock or Dominicker. Anyway, my dad raised Dominickers and Rhode Island Reds, so did my mom but she had more variety, and my dad...
  5. Bcpayne

    Egg bound cull, bruising??

    Hey y'all! Had a real bad egg bind today, she was too far gone by the time I got to her and hadn't been acting peculiar the previous day. I ended up having to cull her after working with her all day. When I plucked her she had bruising between her legs underneath her vent. When I cleaned her it...
  6. C

    Barred Rock/Isa Brown Cross? Anyone have any?

    Relatively new to chickens and we bought 12 Isa Browns and we have 6 Rhode Island reds. We went without a rooster for a while but was just given a rooster who is a Dominicker. Wondering if anyone has any pictures of what that offspring would look like? I've tried to Google and not much out there.
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