help asap

  1. C

    Candling, Alive or Dead?

    Hi this is my first time incubating an egg.. it was taken from my job site after the parents were killed.. im not sure how long ago, if anyone could give me some guidance.. thank you
  2. divineangel94


    My pet hen had a prolapse two weeks ago. The prolapse went away a week ago so I let her back in. Now it's back and bigger. I don't have any ointment right now. I ordered some preparation H from Walmart which should be here this afternoon. I have her in a crate and soaked her in Epsom salt water...
  3. NinjaGamer2022

    Injured Guinea Fowl, advice needed: Broke toenails, swollen 5 times to large foot, bumblefoot?

    Somehow my Guinea Fowl broke it's toenail a day or so ago. It's foot was only a tiny bit inflamed, so I hoped I would recover seamlessly. Today while I was spending time with my flock, I noticed the Guinea Fowl's foot was 5x too large. Is there anything I can do? Does it need put down? I am...
  4. L

    Help! Rooster's leg is locked pointing inward!

    My roosters leg recently went limp, but now he has movement in his hip. However, his leg has started to heal pointing inward underneath him and it is crossing over his good leg so it makes even hopping difficult. He doesn't seem to be in pain. He's eating, drinking, and when I set him out for a...
  5. C

    Very sick hen

    My Barnevelder hen is very unwell. She has always been more to herself and not very friendly but I noticed her staying completely by herself a couple days ago. Was able to catch her and she feels very thin and lethargic. Her poop is green pellet like and watery. I have recently dewormed all...
  6. A

    Humidity and temp problems

    This is my first time hatching eggs. I just got 4 Buff Orpington eggs today, and have started the incubation process. I have a farm innovators 4200 model. However, my three temp/ humidity gauges are reading different temps (102.2, 98.4, and 92.8). I have tried using a different thermometer, but...
  7. lolchickenlol

    Need Help

    I have chicken eggs and I have 1 roun duck egg the chicken eggs are 1 week apart and the duck 🦆 eggs are 3 days from the 2 week eggs what do I do when they are about to hatch I can’t take all the eggs off the turner because they might not hatch what do I do this is the incubator I have is there...
  8. TheSunnySideYard

    Red Mite Infestation in Central Florida

    Hi folks! 👋 I'm a chicken novice and I need your wisdom and advice!!! :bow I have RED MITES!🐞🤢 I am deeply worried about mites because I have been googling them and it seems like the one thing I keep seeing over and over is that they are impossible to get rid of and that they can be deadly to...
  9. E

    Help pls, sick rooster

    I am not a chicken specialist by any means but my family’s flock had a sick rooster they finally told me about after he had been sick two and a half days and I don’t know what it is. He is in the prime of his life His chest/crop area feels like a water balloon His legs look bad and are stiff He...
  10. Pamuk

    Duck laying issues! Vet is no help!

    Hello all! My duck is 7 months old and started laying on july 20. She was egg bound with her first egg and after that was laying normally. After her tenth egg, she started experiencing some worrying symptoms such as shaking, excessive panting, wings twitching (a bit spread out as well), raspy...
  11. JakeMaz

    Chicken with a bent leg I need help and quick

    We’ve had this chicken for almost a year now and it’s leg or I think it is the knock is bending outward when she puts pressure on it.I need to know what this is and how to fix it, please we’re running out of time. We took it to the vet and it has no broken bones. If you need any more information...
  12. VictoriaBailey

    Moving country - can I take my boys?

    Hi friends, This may be a bit of a strange one...the UK government sure think it is anyway. I am a duck Mom to two beautiful scovy boys who will be 4 soon. Due to health reasons, I have to move back to the UK from Canada and can't imagine my life without them. I've hand raised them since they...
  13. V


    please help me, my 2 week old Rhode Island Red chicken is limping on one foot. The foot the chick is not using is always clamped and closed and also has some kind of black dots! i can not tell if it’s a boy or a girl I think girl considering it’s fur is uneven and a little Chucky, this chick has...
  14. S

    EMERGENCY!: duck was attacked by raccoon, feathers and skin ripped off of neck

    Last night one of my drakes was attacked by a raccoon. All of the feathers and skin have been ripped off of the back of his neck, I'm not sure if the same goes for the front. I also believe that he is now blind in one eye as I can see his right eye socket stick out from his head. He's not moving...
  15. L

    Silkie chick shaking head.

    My Silkie chick hatched on the 18th, and today it’s starting to shake its head. Do anyone of you guys know if it’s a disease or something that should be fixed?
  16. SunnySideSilkies

    Silkie Attacked, Neck wound. Need Help

    Contains graphic images My silkie hen was attacked by something today (12/27) around 12pm is when I found her. she has a very large "hole" in the back of her neck. I believe that I can see blood vessels and her trachea/esophagus (whichever one sits in the back of the neck). she is alive and...
  17. C

    Gosling with bowed legs

    Good day to all, I found a Gosling on our relatives farm with bowed legs and it was in a very bad condition. I started feeding it a starter diet, she is doing much better now but her legs are still bowed. I have done some research and found that it can be due to a niacin deficiency. How can I...
  18. C

    Please help! It's day 27 with no movement or internal pip from the duckling, what should I do?!

    Hi! I've never hatched an egg in general so this is a first - I've always wanted to hatch a duck myself and was given fertile egg from a farm I volunteer at (it's an Indian runner). The temperature has been fluctuating between 37.3 and 37.7 but it's set to 37.5. On day 10 I did mist the egg...
  19. F

    NEED recommendations on where to get a baby duck ASAP

    So, I had 6 duck eggs in an incubator and about 4 of them died early on. 2 of them hatched but 1 of the 2 died when I was gone. Now the other one is alone and constantly crying out for a momma or sibling but I cant always be with it. I’d love to give her to her original mom but that’s how the...
  20. 6

    Side Stepping Chicken…?

    Hey everyone! So back in late august I noticed 3 of my hens’ laying slowed down. Then in September it completely stopped. They were growing noon feathers and losing feathers (especially large wing feathers). Now, those three hens haven’t laid, except for maybe 3 eggs, one or two a broken/soft...
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