help asap

  1. F

    Need some help with baby chick

    Last satuday, my husband found one of the baby chicks abandoned by its mom. We have a few chickens (we live in Haiti) and we aren't sure why the mom abandoned it. It was very comfortable with us holding it. We started trying to feed it and give it water. It didn't really want to eat the bird...
  2. Tanya22

    Baby Chick around 6 weeks, is very sick! Coccidiosis treatment started but could it be a deficiency?

    We found a baby chick around 6 weeks back lying on the road and brought her back home. She (her name is Tooki) might be of the broiler breed. Not sure. But now for the past 5 days she has suddenly gotten very sick and stopped moving around. We had purchased a baby chick (Brownie) so that Tooki...
  3. A

    Baby chick bald spot please help!!

    My family and I have recently saved an abandoned baby chick around where we live. We been feeding it oatmeal and hard boiled eggs while waiting for chicken feed to arrive. Just recently noticed a bald spot near his chest. Also his crop or belly is hard! Please help I don’t know if these things...
  4. Sarah99

    Ocellated Turkeys!!

    Hello, My name is Sarah. I'm new of course.. I was wondering if there are anyone selling/Breeding Ocellated Turkeys. I know they are very costly, and know they also need to be in a Very warm climate. I have been wanting these forever But I live in Northern Minnesota. I also realize how difficult...
  5. B

    Any help appreciated.

    I have a single bird of 4 backyard chickens that has come down with some weird sores. I’ve raised them from chicks and they are 2. I’ve dealt with a few black spots on combs before but this seems worse. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
  6. B

    Any help appreciated.

    I have a single bird of 4 backyard chickens that has come down with some weird sores. I’ve raised them from chicks and they are 2. I’ve dealt with a few black spots on combs before but this seems worse. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
  7. C

    Does Anyone Know Someone That Can Help Me Finish My Coop?

    Hello Everyone! I am new here and this site was recommended to me to help find someone honest, kind and experienced with building chicken coops. I had one started but it has been a nightmare. The person that I hired didn't make the coop the way that was agreed upon. Let him know what I wanted...
  8. Newduckmommy1221

    Please help me see if my duck eggs are well developing! Candled day 24

    Hi guys, please please let me know if my Indian runner duck eggs are developing properly in the egg!!! I candled them just now and it’s day 24. I have had the temperature at 99.5F and humidity between 40-45% throughout their incubation period. I’m in Canada so it’s a lot chilly here. I will...
  9. RRClark6177

    Help! Is this a sign of Coccidia?

  10. Chickens4Life101

    Help! Hawk Problem!

    We have a big hawk problem going on right now! We have had chickens for about a year now and we have never lost a chicken to any predator until recently. We just hatched 9 chicks from a broody hen and that is what started attracting this hawk. He is huge and is probably big enough to catch our...
  11. Carly22

    Baby Ducklings

    Morning, My husband found 2 Ducklings in a ditch as he was working on the train line, so we have taken them in. They seem to have come good, eating etc. Except this morning one of the ducklings is really wobbly on its feet. like its been hit in the head.. What should I do? What is the best...
  12. B

    Hen with foot injury

    ive recently taken in a young hen from a nearby breeder who had somehow gotten string from a tarp wrapped around her foot. It got wrapped when she was young and has grown into here skin and I’m pretty sure bone. It’s around 1 toe but she’s a silkie so her feet aren’t exactly the most pristine...
  13. C

    I think my chicken is ill, and want to know if any others have had the same happen

    hello, I have a chicken that I named lucky charm because of his/her personality and physical traits. This chicken was born with a missing eye, and with a deformed beak that makes it difficult to eat/drink. At first, it was no problem at all. Then the other chickens started trampling charm, and...
  14. Kaidorke

    Day 23 and chick is struggling to hatch, I unzipped - not sure what to do now

    hi there, This is my first time incubating and hatching all on my own. Other times was the agriculture class project at school a couple of years ago. I have one egg who has made a hole in is shell, I can see it’s beak and he is chirping away. It was like this for 2 days so I thought I should...
  15. Farmerabr169

    White dots on Qauil eggs?

    so I bought a pack of 12 Qauil eggs hoping to get some new ones. My chickens are getting old sadly :( and I want to hatch some more Qauil. I’m usinbs hovabator but I opened my pack to find two eggs with white bumps. To me they almost look like some kind of mold but I won’t tgrow them out till I...
  16. B

    Injured rooster!

    Can anyone help as to what I can give him for pain ? I read aspirin , is BC powder okay ? He was attacked late last night & we are having pretty bad weather, flood advisory so can't take him to see a vet.
  17. Mwitt34

    Strange sickness need help ASAP.

    Hi everyone! We have a super sick hen here and we desperately need the community’s help to help figure out what’s wrong with her. She’s 4 1/2 year buff Orpington. Absolutely the sweetest cuddliest Most loving hen ever. So we’re doing all we can to keep her with us. Short version/ her symptoms...
  18. HobboFarms

    Unknown Disease Killing My Flock

    I have a decent size bird farm, about 35-40. But in the last 3 weeks a new illness has started killing them. it has almost no symptoms and kills in hours to maybe a day. All the birds start acting lethargic(tired and sluggish) and they stop eating mostly. Then they start sleeping or laying down...
  19. JustJaxson

    I need help!

    So I have a pretty bad problem. I went to Hawaii for a week and when I came back I noticed my chickens where skidish and timid but that’s probably because I’ve been gone for a week. But my buff polish is acting really strange, mind you I have taken her to showmanship at the county fair and I...
  20. Chickens4Life101

    Help! Broody may have abandoned 8 one-day-old chicks!!

    So if you saw my last thread you would've known leah was hatching eggs. They hatched yesterday. Today at 12:45 we noticed she was standing outside her box, still puffy and looking and them. She is still there now. Did she abandon them? We have been handling them, could that result in her leaving...
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