eggs about to hatch

  1. First time silkie mum

    Where should my chicken hatch her eggs?!

    Hello! I have a lovely silkie sitting on 6 eggs, 10 days until they hatch! She has been sitting on her eggs in one of the boxes in the coop that has a ramp to get into the house . I’ve been worried that when the chicks hatch that they could fall off the ramp/out of the house so thought that...
  2. M

    Hi! Advice and help needed!

    Hi!, It's my first time incubating eggs and we hit day 22. Out of thirty eggs 11 have hatched and are currently in the brooder. We have only opened the incubator twice so far, once yesterday and once today to assist a hatch. That chick is in the incubator right now and is asleep and breathing...
  3. S

    3 days to hatch, air cell way too small. Should I pip?

    Hi all. 3-4 days til hatch. The air cell is way too small due to high humidity. I mean way too small. There is movement inside the two eggs (kicking and jerky movements) when candling. These are mandarin duck eggs. The air cell is probably half of what is should be, I know that the temp was...
  4. R

    First time mama HELP!

    Hey all! I have a first time broody who has been doing really well. Last night (5/27/20) we moved her into her own space in order to keep the other hens out of her nest since the hatching day is getting close. (three or 4 days to go) She was not at all happy and tried to go back to her old nest...
  5. TheSunflowerButterfly

    I’m so close to chicks!

    My eggs went on lockdown yesterday and it’s so dang hard to wait for them! Some of them candled really well, like this one. I have 35 eggs in. Hopefully I’ll get good odds and they’ll survive. 🤞🏻
  6. S

    Day 22

    Hey everyone we are at Day 22 of 6 eggs in the incubator. I candled them about 6-7 days in and saw development in all but one (because I couldn’t see through the dark, hard shell). Well here we are at day 22 and there is no pipping or anything going on. Temp and humidity are where they should be...
  7. S

    Help! Problem with my duck eggs and one has already pipped!

    Hi, this is my first time hatching duck eggs ( or any type of egg for that matter). My 9 Rouen duck eggs are on day 25 in the incubator ( Hova-Bator). What should the humidity and temperature be if one of them pipped last night? I can see the crack and a lot of movement and the other 8 are all...
  8. Marienobert

    Quail birds and eggs for sale

    Fertile Quail eggs and birds for sale place your orders now we post to any location contact with your post code for price see available quil breeds below Bob White Quail, Japanese Quail, Brown Quail, Californian Quail, King Quail, Painted Button, Quail, Red backed Button Quail, Jumbo...
  9. S

    Silkies showing no signs of life

    Help! We purchased some fertilised silkie eggs, we let them rest for 24 hours like you are meant to but we didn’t candle them (we are quite new to this). None have exploded or look like they have rotten so I think all is well there. But today is day 21 and silkies are meant to come early but...
  10. tifaus

    Help! I have a broody hen....

    Hello all! It's me.. again. Lol. I have a two year old bantam hen that has been sitting on 7 eggs that are due to hatch on October 2nd. However, where she decided to be a broody momma is less than ideal for her new babes. We moved her into our isolation coop this morning and she has not went...
  11. Thesweetbirdsflock

    Patty the (new mama) hen (an ongoing story)

    This has the structure of a role play, but anyone can join in. I’m gonna start the story and then anyone can just jump in and continue it. Here are the characters- Patty- Importance in story- main character Gender- hen Breed- Wyandotte Relations- Carey’s niece Personality- curious, likes to...
  12. C

    Chickens and Ducks co-raising?... help

    I have a varied flock, about 18 chickens (3 are roosters, yes, I know, I have too many roosters.) and I have 3 ducks. We had 4, one passed away, so now I have two drakes and one hen (two Rouens and a Blue Swedish male) (I also know I have too many male ducks!). Our female Rouen has been...
  13. K

    Sharpie on Eggs???

    Is it safe to mark X’s And O’s with a sharpie marker on quail eggs before incubation process??
  14. A little Daffy

    Got a wild egg but no brain to back it up

    It's my first post so bare with me. I'll try not to make it too long. I have Muscovies all around my house. About 2 years ago, Daisy developed what I believe to be bumble foot and struggled terribly so I made sure she was fed and taken care of. She since then has had 3 hatchings (not sure the...
  15. Meghan0315

    Help !! momma duck cracking her eggs

    My mother duck is going broody but when we have olny one week left till there due date and i find cracked open eggs in there water why? She dosnt eat them just kills them and drowned them ? Why ? We have a female white crested and a female khaki campbell mixed with not sure what but the khaki is...
  16. Goose_Goose

    Goose eating eggs

    I've had a goose sitting on eggs for 35 days. The eggs were due to hatch. My other female goose decided to lay on them too. So both of my geese were laying on the eggs. Last night I went to check on them and saw a baby had pecked a hole in its egg and was ready to hatch. I left it alone. The...
  17. Dfarago

    Clutch of eggs different cycles?

    can a clutch of eggs be in different development stages? I candled my eggs (being incubated by mamma) and they look like they’re in different stages. Some look like they’re closer to 20 days. Whereas some look like they’re close to hatching. You can see movement in the eggs. She is in the same...
  18. Dfarago

    HELP!!!! Eggs not hatching

    My Muscovy duck has been sitting on her eggs for 37 days now and the eggs still haven’t hatched. No piping, nothing. I candled six eggs and I can see movement inside the eggs, everything devolved how it’s supposed to (or at least in comparison to pics on the internet). Is there something wrong...
  19. Phoenixmum

    Desperate for help. Phoenix chicken eggs

    I have a trio of Phoenix chickens. They are very happy and healthy. I am getting an egg a day (neither of my hens are clucky) so I have been incubating their eggs.. but no success at all. I’m really losing hope. I have incubated Isa brown x eggs before with a high hatch rate but havnt had a...
  20. Dfarago

    HELP!!! Are my eggs bad?

    My Muscovy has a clutch that she has been incubating so well like a good mamma. She only leaves once a day for food, water and to stretch a little. The eggs were supposed to hatch on the 20th, 35 days after the started sitting (which is what all the sites say is the hatch day for Muscovy) It’s...
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