eggs about to hatch

  1. ChickenMamaSarah

    Yolk not fully absorbed? Weird leg?

    My broody hatched out nine chicks over the last two and a half days. These last two eggs pipped Saturday afternoon but never quite made it all the way. I just went out to find my hen kicking up the nest with her other chicks and they completely buried these last two eggs. The eggs were pretty...
  2. pragmatist712

    Hatching EE's & Silkies (Blk and Wht)

    I haven't hatched eggs in several years and had gotten rid of my styrofoam incubator. So, I bought this one: Magicincubator by pragmatist712 posted May 27, 2018 at 7:57 PM I ordered eggs from Dunlap Hatchery which I haven't ordered from before. Eggs are 4 EE (olive colored standard size -...
  3. Dakotap

    19 day old egg, no movement with candling??

    Hi all, At the moment I have 2 fertile frizzle eggs under one of my broody Silkie hens... today is day 19 and one of the eggs has started chirping. I know that at this stage I probably shouldn’t be candling the eggs, but this afternoon as I let the broody hen off of her nest to go to the toilet...
  4. Wee Timmy

    Hen still turning eggs on day 20? Is this ok for the chicks?

    My chicks are sceduled to hatch tomorrow! One is already pipping. The problem is the broody is still turning them and moving them around underneath her. Is this ok for the chicks? I know in an incubator you stop turning them on day 18 so does the same apply with a hen?
  5. D

    Lockdown with an Egg Rotater?

    I've put in eggs from different sources in the incubator 4 days apart. I wanted to get everyone's opinion it pulling the egg rotater/roller out a necessity or not. I know its not needed, but I haven't heard much on potential negative effects of keeping it in. The only problem I can see is...
  6. Fraser35

    Broody hen question

    So I have a first time Broody hen who sat on 5 eggs for a week to test if she was commited and now she is sitting on new eggs and she’s been on them for 20 days. Today I come to see her out having a dust bath which isn’t odd but she’s on lock down so she shouldn’t be out right?? I go and check...
  7. MamaFarmer28

    Help!!! Mama duck attacked!

    I’ve had a Mallard Duck in my flower bed sitting on her nest since late March, she’s there every morning.. and the past 5 days she’s not left her nest.. last night my neighbor knocked on my door and told me she was in the middle of the road and a cat had her. I ran and shood off the cat, we...
  8. Cvquesada

    Help with ostrich hatch

    I'm on day 41 of my first ostrich hatch attempt and I see no activity yet. What do I do if there is no activity tomorrow, day 42, either?? I only had one egg be fertile so it' my baby now.
  9. Indianrunner123

    When do i put eggs into the incubator?

    I have 11 duck eggs (both indian runner and call duck) sitting ready to go into the incubator. However this will not fill the incubator. The ducks are continueing to lay each day and so i was going to wait until i had enough eggs to fill the incubator before turning it on. Although i have heard...
  10. D

    Update: are these eggs fertilized

    I got 4 eggs from my cousin that owes a egyptian duck, goose, (not sure). And he said he had them for 1 week but he says he isnt sure. I put them in a homemade incubator (I'm getting a good incubator soon). I candled the eggs but I can't tell. I can send more pictures if anyone needs them...
  11. D

    Update: Are these duck eggs fertile

    Are these eggs fertile?
  12. Speedychicken27

    Incubation emergency

    I really wasn't thinking:he I have 20 eggs ready to hatch in 4 days and I put in more:oops: now I have 20 16 day old and 14 17 day old eggs in the same incubator (I don't have another one) what should I do when it is lock down!
  13. Speedychicken27


    I am so excited my eggs are hatching in 6 days :love:love but I also have 16 5 day old eggs in the same incubator. During lockdown can I still flip the other eggs? How would you do it??
  14. Indianrunner123

    Duck and goose eggs hatching

    In the incubator we have 2 runner duck eggs. 1 is due to hatch on Tuesday and the other is due to hatch in a month. There are also 6 goose eggs (3 of which are fertile). They are due to hatch on saturday. However the duck egg and 3 goose eggs seem to be hatching now. The incubator is on a...
  15. L

    Planning on hatching some chicks. Any tips?

    So come spring i would like to try and hatch some chicks as I've wanted to do this for ages now, however i can't really spend much money on incubators and brooders so I've decided to do it the "natural" way and have one of my hens do all the work for me and i have done a lot of research into it...
  16. rkervell

    Baby duck?

    Hello! I had recently posted about my khaki Campbell and Muscovy mating. I hadn’t seen any eggs from my khaki female for a while but stumbled upon a large stash today. There are two eggs with areas that look dark inside. Could these be fertilized eggs with baby ducks? This is my first year with...
  17. R

    HELP! Hatching quail egg bleeding in incubator.

    So I'm completely new to incubating eggs. So I started with coturnix quails since they're easier compared to the rest. So ,as shown in the picture, the egg is bleeding probably from the inside and there is something sticking out. It could be a paw or the mouth. And today is the 20th day in...
  18. Splinter022

    Help! A Black Snake keeps eating my eggs!

    Please help! I was only a week away from hatching chicks, and they were all gone when I checked. I was a week away from hatching more chicks and I walked in my coop to find a black snake. Worst part was that I walked in on him eating the last egg that was under my broody hen. I now have more...
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