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  1. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Thanks, @Sally PB. She was the first Amish barnyard cross hen that I hatched from my first hatching. Set 11 eggs in my incubator. 10 roosters and 1 pullet, Minnie. If I was doing any digging in the run she would be in the hole supervising. I'd have to get a hand under her fluffy butt and push...
  2. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    We had a nuthatch do that a couple weeks ago. They fly into our radio room window when the lights are on in there. Found the little guy quite diseased. Weird that 9 times out of 10 they will bounce off and fly away. Hi guys. Sun came out here today also. Temp of 50. Snow is 99% gone. Yay! Did a...
  3. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Yeah, first day it got out of the teens, I came in from taking care of the chickens and DH asked me how the weather was. I said 'nice' temp was 28. He thought it was funny that it had been so cold for so long that even temps in the 20s felt comfortable.
  4. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Amen. I'm surprised the pharmacy didn't catch it first. They usually have red box warnings that pop up when all the patient's meds are listed and a new one is contra indicated because of a serious interaction. I've personally had that happen with the pharmacy calling me and telling me they...
  5. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Only up to 38 here. The snow is about half melted. Sloppy, slushy Muduary here. Hard to believe we are almost into February already. Right now after the -17 -18 degree temps we have been having I'm trying not to complain about temps hovering in the upper 30s.
  6. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Morning all. It's been one of those weeks here. Tip of the day: Always check new meds the doctor gives you on and compare it with medicines that you are currently taking for serious interactions before you take the new medicine. We caught a serious one that the doctor missed for a...
  7. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Night LTay Same here. Didn't sleep well last night due to drippy sinuses. Calling it early also.
  8. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Probably bifocal implants. Monovision is the other. Wow, 3,000 dollars. Probably for the bifocal. Even with my progressive lenses in my glasses I find myself reaching for my +3 reading glasses when I'm doing bead work or sketching/painting. The old eyes just don't do close up as well as they...
  9. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Trust me you won't feel a thing. 5 minutes and it's over. 100% of our patients who were terrified of being awake and apprehensive of the surgery said afterwards that there was nothing to it and they were sorry they put off having the procedure done. DH stood in and assisted with some surgeries...
  10. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Ahhhhh sounds of spring in the air...says I as I stand on the back porch and stare out at what remains of the 12 inches of snow we have been dealing with along with sub zero temps over the past 2 weeks. Someday, two months or so from now, but for for the moment living vicariously through your post.
  11. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Beta hemolytic strep is nasty stuff. Important thing is to get to a doc if you think you have strep throat, get tested, get on antibiotics and make sure you take the whole prescription. I did both times but it didn't stop me from getting rheumatic fever. You can also have problems if you get...
  12. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    I had two strep throats, one when I was around 20 and working in a doctor's office, the other 3 years and a half after getting out of nurses' training. Think I had RF after the first one but it wasn't diagnosed. The second one was the one that knocked me flat and left me with cardiac scar tissue...
  13. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Lordy Lordy. Never fails. I've contacted Amazon's customer service directly. You have to jump through a few hoops but once you get somebody to actually talk to you via chat they usually are amicable and eager to help you. DH asked if you tried deleting the drivers for the monitor, turning off...
  14. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    @LTAY1946 ay 1946 glad to hear that you and @Rambling Iris are feeling better and on the upswing. Covid is bad enough but strep on top of it? Ouch! In my younger days two strep throats equaled rheumatic fever for me. A month in the hospital and 5 months in bed at home. Strep can be a life...
  15. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    My husband just informed me it was never trust anyone over 30. So brace yourself, you only have two months of trustworthiness left.
  16. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    @TheDawg when most of us were where you are now age wise or even a bit younger we lived by the motto: Never trust anyone over 35. So you have 5 years of trustworthiness left in you!
  17. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Hey Dawg! Glad to hear that. You have a few years before you can relate to that shirt, girl.
  18. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Afternoon old folks Saw this shirt on Twitter/X. How many people over the age of 55 can relate? One day I was wondering why an afternoon nap was becoming more and more appealing and then I thought, Heck, I'm 70! At the same instant I remember thinking. When did I get old? Finally seeing temps...
  19. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Zone 5B here. I bought potato bags. Gonna try growing me some spuds in grow bags this year. Hoping El Nino hangs around through spring. Heat wave here. It's 24 degrees outside. And sun! It's supposed to break on Saturday/Sunday with temps up in the high 30s/low 40s. I can hardly wait. Now the...
  20. microchick

    The Old Folks Home

    Congratulations to your baby! There is an old joke that goes: You know you are getting old when your children start to look middle aged. Morning old folk. Woke up to -17° this morning. 12 inches of snow on the ground and wind chill at -32. Pretty fricking miserable no matter what angle you...
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