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I'm fired up at Asus. In April of 2021, we paid a little over $1,000.00 for my computer monitor. It's a great monitor, however, in the past couple weeks, there is a darkened strip, about 2.5 inches wide, running from top to bottom, on the left side. The backlight is going out on that side. It has a 3 year warranty, so I contacted them. I sent proof of purchase, from Amazon, with the Amazon logo on the receipt. They sent back a message saying I did not get it directly through Amazon, but from an unlicensed seller. Nope. I went back on our Amazon account to check that I didn't get it from one of their vendors. Nope. I got it directly through Amazon, which is why their logo is on the receipt.

I've just fired off an email in response to their misinformation. I guess tomorrow, or the next day, I'll hear from them.
@LTAY1946 ay 1946 glad to hear that you and @Rambling Iris are feeling better and on the upswing. Covid is bad enough but strep on top of it? Ouch!

In my younger days two strep throats equaled rheumatic fever for me. A month in the hospital and 5 months in bed at home. Strep can be a life changer so make sure you both take care and get plenty of rest. :hugs
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I'm fired up at Asus. In April of 2021, we paid a little over $1,000.00 for my computer monitor. It's a great monitor, however, in the past couple weeks, there is a darkened strip, about 2.5 inches wide, running from top to bottom, on the left side. The backlight is going out on that side. It has a 3 year warranty, so I contacted them. I sent proof of purchase, from Amazon, with the Amazon logo on the receipt. They sent back a message saying I did not get it directly through Amazon, but from an unlicensed seller. Nope. I went back on our Amazon account to check that I didn't get it from one of their vendors. Nope. I got it directly through Amazon, which is why their logo is on the receipt.

I've just fired off an email in response to their misinformation. I guess tomorrow, or the next day, I'll hear from them.
Lordy Lordy. Never fails. I've contacted Amazon's customer service directly. You have to jump through a few hoops but once you get somebody to actually talk to you via chat they usually are amicable and eager to help you.

DH asked if you tried deleting the drivers for the monitor, turning off your computer then reboot it and see if the drivers reload. They should reload he says. He's our resident computer geek.
@tlay1946 glad to hear that you and @Rambling Iris are feeling better and on the upswing. Covid is bad enough but strep on top of it? Ouch!

In my younger days two strep throats equaled rheumatic fever for me. A month in the hospital and 5 months in bed at home. Strep can be a life changer so make sure you both take care and get plenty of rest. :hugs
I had strep when I was about 30 and have cardiac scar tissue from it. Another young man that was about my age spent weeks in the hospital after the strep went into his kidneys. It's a bad new bug for some of us.
I had strep when I was about 30 and have cardiac scar tissue from it. Another young man that was about my age spent weeks in the hospital after the strep went into his kidneys. It's a bad new bug for some of us.
I had two strep throats, one when I was around 20 and working in a doctor's office, the other 3 years and a half after getting out of nurses' training. Think I had RF after the first one but it wasn't diagnosed. The second one was the one that knocked me flat and left me with cardiac scar tissue also so I can empathize.

To this day if I think I've been exposed to strep, I call the doctor and get put on antibiotics 'just incase'. Better safe than, well you know......
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I had strep when I was about 30 and have cardiac scar tissue from it. Another young man that was about my age spent weeks in the hospital after the strep went into his kidneys. It's a bad new bug for some of us.
I'm 63 and never had it, nor did my two sons, knock on wood. I never knew it could be so bad as to scar our hearts or get into our body organs. That put me on alert as I congenitally only have one kidney so can't be getting anything that would affect those/it if I can help it.
Good evening, old folks. Three days checking in online and NOT being required to report for jury duty - YESSS! Also, NO RAIN today so I was outdoors hanging with the chooks & pups, digging weeds and doing general winter garden cleanup. Overcast but balmy temps in the high 50s - felt so good to be working out there, a real tonic after being rained-in so much lately! The Pacific Tree Frog chorus from our creek was delightful -- lots & lots of very happy little frogs singing all afternoon till dusk. 🥰
I'm 63 and never had it, nor did my two sons, knock on wood. I never knew it could be so bad as to scar our hearts or get into our body organs. That put me on alert as I congenitally only have one kidney so can't be getting anything that would affect those/it if I can help it.
Beta hemolytic strep is nasty stuff. Important thing is to get to a doc if you think you have strep throat, get tested, get on antibiotics and make sure you take the whole prescription.

I did both times but it didn't stop me from getting rheumatic fever. You can also have problems if you get scarlet fever. Afterwards I found out that most of the females on my mother's side of the family had either Strep Throat or Scarlet Fever. A good number had rheumatic fever also.

Gee mom, thanks for the great genes....
Good evening, old folks. Three days checking in online and NOT being required to report for jury duty - YESSS! Also, NO RAIN today so I was outdoors hanging with the chooks & pups, digging weeds and doing general winter garden cleanup. Overcast but balmy temps in the high 50s - felt so good to be working out there, a real tonic after being rained-in so much lately! The Pacific Tree Frog chorus from our creek was delightful -- lots & lots of very happy little frogs singing all afternoon till dusk. 🥰
Ahhhhh sounds of spring in the air...says I as I stand on the back porch and stare out at what remains of the 12 inches of snow we have been dealing with along with sub zero temps over the past 2 weeks.

Someday, two months or so from now, but for for the moment living vicariously through your post.
Asus has a 3 year, unconditional warranty on my monitor. Asus customer service had me hook in a new cable, which I did. No joy. Then they had me hook the monitor into another computer. Dh wasn't happy, but I unplugged his monitor, and plugged my monitor into his computer. No joy. The problem is the monitor. (It's the left backlight going out).

I then got an email from Asus. They insisted I bought the monitor in Jan. 2021, therefore it was not under warranty. I sent them a copy of the transaction with Amazon, complete with the Amazon logo in the corner, proving it was bought in April, so still under warranty.

A short time later, Asus sent me another email. While I had the Amazon transaction recept, the purchase was through one of the Amazon vendors. Asus honors the warranty on purchases made through Amazon itself, but they will not honor their warranty when the purchase is made through an Amazon vendor.

I contacted Amazon. The receipt/copy of the transaction itself makes no mention of a vendor, however, eventually customer service was able to find that it was purchased through DNCL Techzone. They gave me all the contact info, and said the next step would be to contact them, and see if they could help resolve the matter.

I then asked about their screening of their vendors, and possible breach of contract on the part of the vendor, since warranties are a major consideration with higher end technology.

BUT Amazon didn't leave me totally without hope. They assured me that Amazon would stand behind the transaction, in some form or other, if I couldn't get it resolved through the vendor.

So, tomorrow I will contact the vendor, and go from there.

My ear still hurts, and this isn't helpful right now.

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