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  1. Skye'sDucks

    Lethargic/hunched up hen -- No idea what could be wrong, NOT egg bound

    Hello! I don't often post in the chicken forms since my flock has always been healthy and I know quite a bit about poultry myself, but I'm stumped on this one! Quick background: I live at home currently and my mom and I have a flock of five chickens. They all get along great with each other...
  2. Skye'sDucks

    Show me the goofiest picture of your rabbit

    I am having to say goodbye to my bun Lion today, after almost eleven years with him. His body is simply failing him, and so it is the most humane option to have him put down. Lion has had a great life with me: he had two different bunny friends (who he outlived due to illness taking my other...
  3. Skye'sDucks

    Best flea medication for cats -- need some help

    Hello all, just this morning my mom informed me that one of our kitties has fleas on her. We have 5 outdoor cats, they don't come inside except for our outdoor porch, which has old outdoor carpeting. So I'm not sure if there's any area prevention I need to do as well. I came here to ask about...
  4. Skye'sDucks

    My "pride" of silly kitties

    I have not talked about any of my pets in a long while so now you all get to hear more about my cats! I was thinking of dedicating a thread to their stupid little faces, anyone care to see some silly kitties? I call them my "pride" because all four were named after Lion King characters. We...
  5. Skye'sDucks

    Bumblefoot--how should I go about treating?

    Hello! I noticed today that one of my chickens has what looks like the start of potential bumblefoot. She has a small black scab on the bottom of her foot. No swelling, redness, and no limping or signs of pain. I did notice an even smaller scab on one of my other chickens when I looked all of...
  6. Skye'sDucks

    Ginger, the horse that taught me a lot <3

    Hey horse people! I know a lot of you have heard about me and the mare I helped train at my barn, Ginger. Well, Ginger's time with us is now over. She's still alive, don't worry lol! I just wanted to make a little post about her one last time, because she means so very much to me, and we are...
  7. Skye'sDucks

    Sick cat--need help

    We have 4 outdoor previously feral kitties that have pretty much become ours now. We got them fixed and all that last year and they've stayed with us ever since. One of them, Simba, showed up today late for his breakfast. However, he's a bit of a loner type at times so it wasn't entirely...
  8. Skye'sDucks

    Rabbit may have molar spurs... What to do?

    My remaining rabbit, Lion (whom I believe a lot of you have heard about lol) recently hasn't been eating much. He's leaving a ton of hay and today I noticed now he is barely touching his pellets. The thing is, he's otherwise healthy and showing interest in food and treats as well as water...
  9. Skye'sDucks

    Best break-away cross ties for horses?

    Hello all. I know some horse people are on here, so I thought I'd go out on a limb and ask if anyone has a favorite kind or brand of breakaway cross ties. Or, alternatively, if there is a way to buy 'panic snaps' or something like that that I could cobble together into my own break away cross...
  10. Skye'sDucks

    Rabbit can't really scratch ear on one side--age, arthritis, or something else?

    A lot of you rabbit folks on here have chatted with me and heard about my grumpy old man (rabbit lol) Lion. He's a Lionhead I found over 9 years ago (probably closer to 10 years now). I suspect he's around 11-12 years old by now. Was just giving him a beauty treatment today (got him groomed...
  11. Skye'sDucks

    So much rabbit fur...what to do with it??

    I have no clue if this is the right area to post this, but it didn't feel like it fit in many or any other threads lol. My Lionhead rabbit, Lion, is going through a molt right now and so he's shedding like crazy. We've always just thrown the fur away or let it drift away on the breeze if we...
  12. Skye'sDucks

    Watery poops in chicks...a reason to worry?

    I feel like I'm over worrying yet again, but my mom and I are first-time chicken owners (although I used to have a flock of ducks and we've both done a ton of research on chicks as well) so I'm not panicking or anything. We have four 6 day old chicks, all different breeds, and have noticed...
  13. Skye'sDucks

    Our first chicks!!

    Hello all! I've been on backyard chickens for a while since I used to have ducks, and so in that sense this isn't my 'first rodeo' raising a flock...just chickens instead of ducks! My mom picked them up today and I'm so excited to raise these little cuties and care for them! We moved a while...
  14. Skye'sDucks

    Adventures with Ginger

    Hello! As some horse people on here may know, I've been helping train a mare at my barn, and I thought it'd be fun to start a thread about her to log her training as well as milestones with her. If people also want to talk about their own horses/training experiences, please do! Ginger is a big...
  15. Skye'sDucks

    Biggest differences between ducks and chickens?

    So my family and I moved just in the last week or so, and sadly I had to leave my duck flock behind with our neighbor. I'm not very happy about this, but as I'm still living with them, it's what goes. :( And I know they are in very good hands at least. (And I have a chance for visits) Anyways...
  16. Skye'sDucks

    Predator -- is this the answer?

    So a while back, some of you may recall I made a thread about a mysterious predator killing 2 of my ducks. Done early morning, no trace of a body except a puff of feathers and some wings and a foot. Was getting worried we had a fox or something, but then... nothing. Life has pretty much gone...
  17. Skye'sDucks

    Question about moldy feed-- what caused it?

    I was just outside about to dump our last bag of feed into the buckets we use, but the feed was moldy inside! :barnie I'm very frustrated and I know my mom will be, too. But, I wanted to ask: what could have caused the mold? We've been buying this feed for a while now, never had an issue...
  18. Skye'sDucks

    A little bump on my rabbit's foot...what can it be?

    Hello, I was just finishing up doing general maintenance on my two pet bunnies (grooming, nail trimming, look overs) when I noticed a little bump on my rabbit's hind right foot, on the bottom to the side. She is a harlequin rabbit, about 5 years old if not closer to 6 (she was a rescue and I...
  19. Skye'sDucks

    Dog attack :( Does and don'ts and life expectation?

    ...and they live peaceably with mine. While I and my mom were gone, her dog apparently got one of the wild hens, and we just recently picked her up. **I understand she is wild, but I do adore this duck from a distance as she has been around for a long time, practically since I got my first...
  20. Skye'sDucks

    What predator could this be? Am I right?

    One of my Muscovy drakes was killed this morning sadly, I'll for sure miss him a lot but I have to admit I'm grateful it wasn't one of my very favorite ducks. :( Anyways, all that was left was a wing and a foot and some feathers. Where I live, it's in a fairly busy neighborhood in FL and I know...
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