Dog attack :( Does and don'ts and life expectation?



6 Years
May 13, 2018
The 'too much sunshine' sunshine state
So I'm gonna try to type this out quickly, and I apologize if I don't get back to any more many of the posts. It is getting late for me and I still have to eat dinner and wash up, but while I was out horseback riding a lady alerted us to know that her dog attacked one of the wild ducks.

Quick background: My ducks free range in an open canal area in our neighborhood behind our house that butts up to other houses, and an older lady across the way loves them and likes to put out cracked corn for them. There are a few wild ducks who live back there as well, who primarily go to her house, and they live peaceably with mine. While I and my mom were gone, her dog apparently got one of the wild hens, and we just recently picked her up.

**I understand she is wild, but I do adore this duck from a distance as she has been around for a long time, practically since I got my first ducks. I want to help her and will release her and not pen her again after this, if she makes it**

Anyways, I did not get any pictures because it was dark and I was trying to hurry since as I said, it's getting late and I have a family to mind. My mom requested me to do so anyways. I can get pictures tomorrow. I washed her up the best I could with warm water and applied vetercyn antiseptic spray onto the less worse wounds, and put nesporin on the bad ones.

The wounds: Mostly pulled out feathers in spots and a couple of flesh wounds on a few different parts of her body. The worst is on her chest, which looks deeper than the other flesh wounds/more of a tear but not too deep. She has two puncture wounds--one minor on the side of her chest near the aforementioned wound, and a deep puncture by her tail.

I at least know how to treat for wounds, and I did the very best I could with the supplies on hand. However, I have never experienced a bad attack like this nor a dog attack, so I don't know if what I did was correct or enough. If I DO need a better ointment to put on her, please let me know! I can see if the feed store is open tomorrow.

Otherwise, from such a bad attack, will she be able to pull through? She was pretty in shock and still when I treated her, but she has some fight and struggled a bit and tried to get away from us. I tried to drip a little water on her beak and she didn't drink, I didn't offer her any food. She is in a safe, clean pen with a little food and water for the night, I feel terrible for not sitting with her more but it's the best I can do at the moment.

Anything else I need to know about dog attacks? Any extra advice? I want to give her the best fighting chance.

ONE LAST NOTICE: it was a complete freak accident and our friend feels terrible for it happening. Please no hate to her.
Generally birds will be in shock for the first 24 hours. Keep it warm, dry and quiet. Generally if it survives that first day it should heal up. Most are pretty sore for a few days. You should see improvements in a week or so. I personally don't tend wounds too much except to apply a wound spray. Poultry are pretty good at healing, and most birds clean and tend their own wounds if they can reach them.
Generally birds will be in shock for the first 24 hours. Keep it warm, dry and quiet. Generally if it survives that first day it should heal up. Most are pretty sore for a few days. You should see improvements in a week or so. I personally don't tend wounds too much except to apply a wound spray. Poultry are pretty good at healing, and most birds clean and tend their own wounds if the can reach them.
Alright, thank you for the reply. The worst attack I've ever had to deal with was one wound on the back of one of my own birds when another drake attacked him, and I seem to recall it healed very well. She can reach all the wounds, and I try not to be too invasive but I'm doing pretty much what I did for my drake then.
If she's wild she'll prob do better without you hoovering around her anyway. Just keep her in a safe warm place. I had a hen that was attacked by a dog and was not much i could do but put wound spray on her and hope for the best. She hid in the coop for days and finally started to move. Limped around for a few days and in two weeks she was good as new. It amazed me that she survived. So good luck and maybe it'll pull through.
If she's wild she'll prob do better without you hoovering around her anyway. Just keep her in a safe warm place. I had a hen that was attacked by a dog and was not much i could do but put wound spray on her and hope for the best. She hid in the coop for days and finally started to move. Limped around for a few days and in two weeks she was good as new. It amazed me that she survived. So good luck and maybe it'll pull through.
Thanks so much, that does give me hope. They are hardy animals! From now on I will probably just try to put some spray on her and try to limit touching her and being close to her. I will try to check on the hen a lot tomorrow to monitor her progress.
Just wanted to update you all that she made it through the night! And she's much more alert, she even stood up and was peeping at me when I got near her.:celebrate

I haven't checked her wounds yet as I want to give her space and limit my actions around her, but I'd at least like to do that and put a little more spray on them.

I couldn't tell if she's eaten or has been drinking, but she is pooping. She also laid an egg, but it was a soft shell and very squishy so I removed it.
Thank you for doing what you can. Best wishes to this duck. Awesome that it was *you* that happened by, isn't it! :hugs
Thank you! I love animals and I'd hate to see one die. I try to do the best I can. :)

Ducks are amazingly resilient birds, with time and rest she should be back on her feet in no time at all. You did a good job rescuing her!
Thank you! They are, aren't they?

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