Recent content by Kathy Sistare

  1. Kathy Sistare

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    We have 19 hens, 2 almost 6 years old, and the rest white leghorns various ages. We got 7 eggs each day this weekend. But, only 3 out of 19 today. :hmm:hmm
  2. Kathy Sistare

    Chicken Breed Focus - Leghorn

    We have 14 Pearl White leghorns. They are all different ages from almost a year to three years old. They are awesome layers. They are the only ones that rarely take a day off! We also have five hens that will be four years old this spring, Orpingtons, Black and Buff and a brown leghorn. The...
  3. Kathy Sistare

    Follow up to first slaughter

    I've been trying to convince the husband to raise meat birds. Was it worth it? I think we would still keep a few layers, but, our own fresh meat would be worth it. How much did they weigh? We just culled a couple of our layers, (they weren't laying) and they were only about 3 and a half pounds.
  4. Kathy Sistare

    Feed sack recycling ideas??

    We did that also this Spring with a new brooder for the new chicks. They are also great for the laying boxes, easy to clean out, and for extra insulation in the winter.
  5. Kathy Sistare

    What would you have done differently?

    This spring is two years since getting six little Wyandotte chicks, then ten more, and we had, we thought, built a big enough coop with a laying box for each. Well, now we know they use maybe four of the fourteen we built. So would make the actual coop bigger, easier to clean and made the...
  6. Kathy Sistare

    Treating your Chickens?

    I give them scratch grains. I try to mix it in with their layer feed, and sprinkle in the run so they have to search for it. I also try to let them free range at least for an hour everyday.
  7. Kathy Sistare

    Best bedding for wet muddy run

    We use wood chips that have NOT been treated with anything. We lucked out when tree trimming was going on in our neighborhood, and asked the guys if they could dump a pile in our yard, and they did. Free, is good if you can get them!
  8. Kathy Sistare

    Spring Chicks!

    We are going to get some more Leg Horns and maybe some Comets. I want more eggs!!
  9. Kathy Sistare

    If You Could Only Have 6 Chickens...

    Three leghorns, and three comets. But, we have more so more of them and lots and lots of eggs!
  10. Kathy Sistare

    How do people free-range their chickens??!!!?

    We have a mixed flock of fourteen birds. We let them out in the evening for 1-2 hours, supervised. We have hawks, coyotes, foxes, and owls. They are so docile, except with each other, sometimes that they would be dead in a heartbeat. We have lost birds to heat, and one that we think must have...
  11. Kathy Sistare

    I want a good layer like sexlinks but...

    We have 15 hens, all under one year old. The most friendly of the flock are our two black Austrolop. We also have two brown leghorns that are very friendly. Wyandotte are the least friendly, but, I would have a whole flock of Austrolops!
  12. Kathy Sistare

    Comment by 'Kathy Sistare' in article 'Mites & Lice Treatment And Prevention'

    Just read all of your threads on lice and mites. Do they live in the cold winter months too, or just when its warmer? We live in CT and it has been freezing cold since Christmas.The only time I can check my hens out is when I catch them in our laying boxes.
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