The Cameras!!

The cameras I purchased are stationary Wyze cameras. I got 6 for under $100. You do need power in the coop to plug them in but they are otherwise wireless with some neat features.

Here are some neat videos I managed to capture on them.

Fabio being a complete butt munch to Lucy who does a fine job of evasion!

The first night the chicks roosted with the adults.

First broody mom, Barb, and her chicks the morning they hatched:

Something outside the run startled the birds. To this day I'm not sure what it was.

The funny stuff is happening in the back of the run in this video. For some odd reason, one of the Easter Eggers, Veronica, got it in her head to challenge the junior cockerel, Captain.

Some video I took with my phone.
This is the first day the chicks were released into the adult coop.

Interesting interaction with two hens. The RIR is picking ice out of the White Rocks chest feathers on a chilly -2F morning.

Captains first crows while hiding in the chicken bush and other neat chicken behaviors.
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