What does a show quality Serama look like?

Maybe. I've never had an aggressive hen and a lot of people are surprised at how aggressive my Marionette is. I guess it's a good thing they're so small and so flipping adorable! Then again that makes it impossible for us to "peck back" or to dominate them. Marionette still runs to me for protection and whatever else she needs but she bites really hard and grabs our pants to flog like a rooster 🙄 I've always heard that Seramas are spit fires, but good grief, Marionette takes it to new levels. Any chance you have pictures of Beetle and Bug?
Me either! Usually my hens are pretty docile, Serama's are just cocky I guess. ;)
Mine girls don't bite that hard, but they definitely see me as the submissive. :lol:
I know! Without that cuteness they wouldn't get off the hook so easy.
Marionette sounds like an adorable pain in the butt. My Doodle is like that, (pet Cornish Cross) gosh she bites hard! She just gets bad and likes to throw tantrums. She doesn't get off the hook nearly as easy as Beetle and Bug though.
I think I can scrounge up a few photos. Their my first splash hens, its a neat color.
Bug is in the first pic, posing for my Etsy shop photo. :p She doesn't look very enthused.
Beetle is in the second. She's definitely more "assertive" than Bug.


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Me either! Usually my hens are pretty docile, Serama's are just cocky I guess. ;)
Mine girls don't bite that hard, but they definitely see me as the submissive. :lol:
I know! Without that cuteness they wouldn't get off the hook so easy.
Marionette sounds like an adorable pain in the butt. My Doodle is like that, (pet Cornish Cross) gosh she bites hard! She just gets bad and likes to throw tantrums. She doesn't get off the hook nearly as easy as Beetle and Bug though.
I think I can scrounge up a few photos. Their my first splash hens, its a neat color.
I've read about the notorious Doodle 😍 I hope to add more Seramas because I absolutely adore them. Just tonight I was looking around the internet on my phone and Marionette flew up to perch on my arm, which is fine as I've got her to where she'll do it on command now, but she slowly inched her way down to my hand and started growling and then bit me as hard as she could. I didn't react so she looked at me and then turned to do it again! I told her to stop this time and it was like she looked and just laughed in my face, turned and bit me even harder. Little brat!!! It's impossible to not love them though. She's really testing me
I've read about the notorious Doodle 😍 I hope to add more Seramas because I absolutely adore them. Just tonight I was looking around the internet on my phone and Marionette flew up to perch on my arm, which is fine as I've got her to where she'll do it on command now, but she slowly inched her way down to my hand and started growling and then bit me as hard as she could. I didn't react so she looked at me and then turned to do it again! I told her to stop this time and it was like she looked and just laughed in my face, turned and bit me even harder. Little brat!!! It's impossible to not love them though. She's really testing me
Who hasn't, I have about a million threads about the little bugger. I think she's found about every way to get into trouble. 😂 Its her favorite past time.
Wow! That little hen is really testing her luck! How funny! I peck my girls back sometimes, but I'm pretty sure it just provokes them. :rolleyes: Serama's, what a funny breed!
So much cuteness, all the antics are definitely worth it.
They're beautiful! My daughter says they're gorgeous ❤️ How do you tell them apart? They look so similar 💜 Do you sell chicken treats?
Awww, thanks! I think so. Most of my other birds are pretty "traditional" in color. Brown, Buff, these bantams opened up my world with all their colors. 💕
If I can find a photo of the two of them sideways, they actually look very different. Bug has more darker brown spots mixed with black. Beetle is mostly white with much lighter brown spots which are father spaced more. Beetle has a more refined head I believe.
Beetle was an assertive baby as well. She would stand up super tall and "attack" my finger if I went to pet her. I swore she was gonna be a rooster haha! 😆

I did recently start an Etsy shop selling poultry treats. :) I just added hand knotted string leg bands, and hope to add duck treats, fleece comb covers, and Birdie Balm soon. The Birdie Balm is a comb/waddle/leg/beak moisturizer btw. All of those products are mostly done, just need finishing touches before I can add them, but they're in the final stages. I'm very excited to continue to expand my shop.
Bug is in the first pic, posing for my Etsy shop photo. :p She doesn't look very enthused.
Beetle is in the second. She's definitely more "assertive" than Bug.
What pretty girls! I just had to pipe in to say that :) I don’t have Seramas, they sound like characters though! My bantam Cochins are sort of like that, but it’s more just pecking at everything! Socks, shirts, moles, my ears, my hair, fingernail and toenails when painted, I have pecked back at the worst offender but it doesn’t seem to deter her. My favorite part is how she constantly pecks at me and flies onto me almost as soon as I enter the run and sit down, but if I dare try to pet her or hug her she acts like she’s being murdered 🙄🙄🙄 such drama queens they can be haha!
What pretty girls! I just had to pipe in to say that :) I don’t have Seramas, they sound like characters though! My bantam Cochins are sort of like that, but it’s more just pecking at everything! Socks, shirts, moles, my ears, my hair, fingernail and toenails when painted, I have pecked back at the worst offender but it doesn’t seem to deter her. My favorite part is how she constantly pecks at me and flies onto me almost as soon as I enter the run and sit down, but if I dare try to pet her or hug her she acts like she’s being murdered 🙄🙄🙄 such drama queens they can be haha!
Yes! My Serama's are very similar. Not quite a friendly as your Cochins, but I think I just need to spend more time with them.
You bantam Cochins sound hilarious! Jay, my Calico bantam Cochin isn't friendly at all, but he's very dramatic. Same thing! You would swear I was murdering him if you didn't know what was going on. :lol:
Bantams are funny aren't they?
Oh wow, Weeg, how cool that you've developed product to sell! I'm impressed! Mind if I offer a tiny critique before you go to market? Ducks waddle when they walk; chickens have wattles under their chins. Note spelling! Wishing you all success when you go live!

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