What does a show quality Serama look like?


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
This thread is really just for fun. I don't plan on showing, and I couldn't' even if I wanted to because of ALV in my flock. Otherwise, I hatched Birdie, my Serama rooster about 6 months ago. He loves to get his photo taken haha, and has some of the most gorgeous coloring I've ever seen in my own flock. He's definitely my favorite roo. With that being said, I was wondering what a show quality Serama looks like. I'm not expecting Birdie to be show quality, but I would like to know how close he is. :D These are my first Serama's, so I honestly don't know what a "normal" Serama looks like compared to a show quality one.
Anyway, just a question I had out of curiosity. Thanks for reading.

Your rooster's comb has terrible frost bite damage.

As for comparing with show quality, there should be some pictures on Google and reading up on show standards for the breed.
I know about the frostbite. I posted at thread about it earlier on. We got a cold spike this year that I wasn't prepared for.
Thank you!
How is his personality? He looks like he's a sweetheart. My little Serama hen is mean 😕 Serama's are so gorgeous though
He's a sweetie! Definitely has little man syndrome though. 🤣 He does the mating dance around me when I come into the run. Doesn't mind being picked up, and not squirmy at all. He also has two sisters who are fairly friendly as well. Beetle and Bug are their names. They'll peck me though. If I go to give them a scratch, Beetle especially will peck me. 😝
Maybe its a hen thing.
He's a sweetie! Definitely has little man syndrome though. 🤣 He does the mating dance around me when I come into the run. Doesn't mind being picked up, and not squirmy at all. He also has two sisters who are fairly friendly as well. Beetle and Bug are their names. They'll peck me though. If I go to give them a scratch, Beetle especially will peck me. 😝
Maybe its a hen thing.
Maybe. I've never had an aggressive hen and a lot of people are surprised at how aggressive my Marionette is. I guess it's a good thing they're so small and so flipping adorable! Then again that makes it impossible for us to "peck back" or to dominate them. Marionette still runs to me for protection and whatever else she needs but she bites really hard and grabs our pants to flog like a rooster 🙄 I've always heard that Seramas are spit fires, but good grief, Marionette takes it to new levels. Any chance you have pictures of Beetle and Bug?

I bet @ColtHandorf has some show quality Seramas 😍

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