gender of 3 month old cuckoo maran


6 Years
Sep 2, 2013
Olympia, WA
For awhile, I was sure General Iron Beak was a rooster! When my chickens were 2 months old, it's comb looks large and pink in comparison (other chickens are other breeds). Anywhoo, That comb isnt turning red and it hasnt grown! What do you all think? I would love some opinions about it- I'm really keeping my fingers crossed.

YAYYY! I'm going to go throw a pullet party!!! This makes 4 confirmed ladies in my group. 1 confirmed crowing rooster and 2 mysteries.... hmmmm
I only have four pullets 3 months old yesterday. Two of them are cuckoo marans. Can two female marans be just a little different? I mean, they aren't supposed to all look EXACTLY alike, are they? My barred rock pullet is showing a little pink in the comb area but the rest aren't. Yet a visitor looked at the one marans (which has no pink and whose comb is no bigger than the others) and said "That's a rooster" because Daisy has a few longer feathers in (hopefully) her tail. None of them have actual combs yet, just little yellow strips with bumps, and no waddles.

I was wondering how old a rooster is when they start to crow? How old are they when they get red combs and waddles? I tried to decipher if the neck and tail feathers were rounded or pointed. They all look the same to me, with the exception that Daisy has a few longer feathers sticking out at the end of her tail. But I've found black and white feathers in the coop and run that could explain why the other marans, Pansy, doesn't have them too.

I can't keep Daisy if she turns out to be a he, city ordinance. We could put a roo up in our woods, but even in a small secure coop and run, he'd be terribly lonely. I couldn't count on him getting good care either. I seldom go up there since I'm handicapped.

I'm so confused! HELP!

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