
room onthebroom

Premium Feather Member
8 Years
May 4, 2015
33. N -117.W
My Swedish Blue laid her 1st egg today. What a TOTAL SURPRISE! My calculations say she's only 5mo so we didn't expect an egg for at least another month. We were staring at it & tapping it like a bunch of Neanderthals looking at fire. It was just SO unexpected that we couldn't process what we were looking at. I'm pretty shocked & very excited!
I cant believe how dense I am sometimes. It reminds me of the time one of my kids told me our fish had died. I was crazy-busy & just glanced over at the tank & said, "Don't worry, I'm sure he's just shedding." A few minutes later, when my brain caught up with what my mouth had said, I had the ultimate "Duh!" moment. I cant imagine what I was thinking... Even I know fish don't shed.

I'm also thinking this might be a genetic thing. Last night when I told my dad that we got a duck egg, he was as shocked as we were & said, "Where did it come from?" I could hardly stop laughing as I told him that we were pretty sure it came out of the ducks butt. Luckily my dad has a good sense of humor.

P.S. Our hard working girl laid another egg today, but this time we were all professional about it, "Look, a duck egg." like as if we'd been doing this for years. Oh how far we can evolve in 24hrs.

What an economical little girl! <3 And that fish story brought up a bad memory of mine - my mom was an elementary school teacher, so of course we had all sorts of critters coming in and out of our home when summer vacation rolled around and she brought back the class pet du'jour. One year it was a hermit crab. Funny thing about hermit crabs; they shed. My poor mother found s dessicated little crab lump in the terrarium one day, thought it had died and tossed the whole thing out!
I cant believe how dense I am sometimes. It reminds me of the time one of my kids told me our fish had died. I was crazy-busy & just glanced over at the tank & said, "Don't worry, I'm sure he's just shedding." A few minutes later, when my brain caught up with what my mouth had said, I had the ultimate "Duh!" moment. I cant imagine what I was thinking... Even I know fish don't shed.

I'm also thinking this might be a genetic thing. Last night when I told my dad that we got a duck egg, he was as shocked as we were & said, "Where did it come from?" I could hardly stop laughing as I told him that we were pretty sure it came out of the ducks butt. Luckily my dad has a good sense of humor.

P.S. Our hard working girl laid another egg today, but this time we were all professional about it, "Look, a duck egg." like as if we'd been doing this for years. Oh how far we can evolve in 24hrs.

Whew, stop it! You're killing me. First the neanderthal remark and now this! I read these when I'm being bad at work. I made a huge "pfffftttt" raspberry sound when I tried to hold in a laugh.

Edit: Oops, forgot to say that I'm very impressed with your professionalism!!

2nd edit: Gorgeous duck!
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What an economical little girl! <3 And that fish story brought up a bad memory of mine - my mom was an elementary school teacher, so of course we had all sorts of critters coming in and out of our home when summer vacation rolled around and she brought back the class pet du'jour. One year it was a hermit crab. Funny thing about hermit crabs; they shed. My poor mother found s dessicated little crab lump in the terrarium one day, thought it had died and tossed the whole thing out!

I know that is not funny.... BUT THAT IS SO FUNNY!!! I wont even tell you about the poor little guys I've killed on accident. Suffice it to say, its not easy being the adult in the house... Most days I'm sure I'm not qualified for the job.
Whew, stop it! You're killing me. First the neanderthal remark and now this! I read these when I'm being bad at work. I made a huge "pfffftttt" raspberry sound when I tried to hold in a laugh.

Edit: Oops, forgot to say that I'm very impressed with your professionalism!!

2nd edit: Gorgeous duck!

Thank you for acknowledging my newly acquired professionalism. I'm going to try to apply this new talent to other areas of my life ... I need all the professional help I can get. Hahaha!

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