Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

We are clucking along at our coop. We lost our two White Rocks over the winter by 'misadventure'. They made the great escape (think Chicken Run) and strutted through the invisible fence into dog zone. After a respectful mourning period, we have added three Saphire Gems to our flock. The new girls are 10 weeks old and thriving.
Good seeing you again! Hope you'll stick around
Our chickens are doing great! We started out with 10 sapphire gems, 2 wyandottes, 2 silkies, and 4 Easter eggers. One of the sapphires died as a baby and the 2 silkies got killed by predators. The rest are happy and wandering. We started them out in our fenced in backyard, but after they ate every blade of grass, I made them a big run in the back half. They love eating leaves off the azalea bushes back there. Our kids can tell all of them apart and gave them all names (Frizzletop, Big Comb, Charlie, etc).
Hi - thanks for checking in. My very last chicken passed about 18 months ago at the ripe age of 14 (she was still laying), but age got her. Since then I have moved and can't have chickens. I must tell you how much I miss the girls. They are wonderful friends and pets. and yes, they give eggs.
So sorry for your loss good luck with your new adventures
Hi there Nifty-Chicken! Thanks for checking. I still have chickens and love having them around and interacting with them. A week ago though they were attacked by a fox. Three were killed including my favorite, one was unharmed and one had been attacked but still alive. I've been nursing that one back to health and I think she's gonna make it because she's eating and drinking and walking around. It's really a miracle because she was lying in the chicken yard on her side and lots of her feathers had been plucked out but I could see she was still breathing. Anyway so now Im down to two chickens and they're staying in the coop for now until I can build a fortress to keep them safe.
So sorry for your loss....the predators always seem to get the favorite :th good luck on sffimh security
Hello everyone.

I've been busy learning and caring for my chickens. I lost one last year, found it in the backyard with the head clean torn off and lying a few feet from the body, no blood. They used to free range back then but I've built a coop since then. I was pretty traumatized for a while, still am but adopted another since then.

I love the weekly email with all the various useful information!
Thanks for stopping by with an update! Hope to see you around
Been very busy around the farm. We currently don’t have any chickens. We got tired of losing them to the local fox. I rehomed the last four hens with a friend last summer. We’ll have them again in the future. Right now we’re focusing on getting our dairy barn and silo removed.
Thanks for the update! Good luck with a new flock
I'm also still around. My computer purged my saved password so I just looked as a guest several times. I just reset it to ask a question and saw the message. :) I found I was spending too much time here when I joined and had to break the addiction. I didn't mean to totally disappear. :(

At one point I had 23 chickens. I'm down to 10 and sadly soon it will be 8. Many of my girls were in the 6+ years range. One of my 10
year old hens died peacefully in her sleep last week. I have another 7 year old that seems to be on her way out and a 4 year old with Salpingitis. No surprise because her shell gland never worked properly.

It's Spring and the summers here can be short so lots to do outside.

I hope everyone is happy, and healthy!!!

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