Can True Aracauna's have feathered legs?

I'd go back to the person you got the featherlegged araucanca from. True araucanas don't have feather legs or feather stubs. Someone snookered you I believe. I've gotten some of my stock from Ann Charles and they are ALL clean legged birds, as are my others.
There may have been a misunderstanding. I do have emails to show he offered me 2 Araucana pullets so "something" happened that may never be explained. They were not from Ann at Sky Blue since the pullet was obviously not Araucana. I appreciate all the responses. I am here to learn and I should have not said anything about where I was told they were from or anything that was said by the buyer. I let the excitement of new chickens over ride my good common sense. I am not typically discreet though and tell on myself all the time if I do something stupid or wrong.

If nothing else good came from this conversation, I have learned a lot more about the Araucana and breeding for them and that's why I love this forum. If anyone has been offended by anything in this topic, I apologize.

So now I am looking for a "correct" Araucana hen. <sigh> She should have at least one tuft and enjoy country life and a nice looking rooster with a sweet disposition

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