Can True Aracauna's have feathered legs?


13 Years
Apr 12, 2008
Buffalo, Missouri
I got a pair of Aracauna's from a local breeder yesterday evening and went out to feed and check on them after work this evening. These guys are from eggs hatched from Sky Blue so they should be true Aracauna. The hen is tailless and nice looking but I noticed she has feathers on her legs. Is this one of those things that pop up in this breed like the tailed ones? Or is she definitely a no-no for breeding?
I really like the rooster I got. He's very nice, rumpless, black breasted red and in gorgeous condition. He doesn't have tufts so I will be looking for a nice tufted/tailless hen for him later but I'd like to know about the feathered legs and how much of a problem this is
I have never heard of feathered legs appearing in true araucanas, but that doesn't mean it never happens.

OTOH I have three rumpless birds with feathered legs.....but they are EEs *made* from araucanas.
Amazondoc, I was hoping that wouldn't be the case. They came from a breeder eggs so I don't know what to think. I'll have to look her over better tomorrow. I've just had them a day and haven't really looked them over well enough
I have Ameracauna's that could be EE's for all I know but since I only keep them for the eggs to eat this hen would be fine for me to keep just for that reason and if I hatch any of her eggs with this rooster ( who I have named Rudy) then I'll just keep the pullets for more eggs layers. <sigh> Wish I had noticed it but it's okay and she has a very sweet personality and nice to handle so she's a keeper

I will take some pictures of him today, I can put him up on a table in the barn for some decent pics. I'd like some opinions. He is from the same place that the hen is from (Sky Blue) and I really like him. I need to find a nice hen, with tufts that is from stock with great combs. She can have some bit of tail since he has the right body and he's rumpless.

I'll take pics of her too.

I have an Ameracauna rooster that I am selling so the Aracauna rooster will be the only roo on the place except my Serama which will be housed away from them. Anyway, all the chicks in the spring will be from this rooster and I may go get another rooster from the guy, he did have some nice roosters. That will help assure that the hens are all getting bred for when I want to keep some back for more egg layers for my own flock. I like my main flock to lay a variety of egg colors so it's a perfect place for "cull" hens

Thank you all who responded so quickly to my question

Pics coming later today.

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