Can True Aracauna's have feathered legs?

Here is my rooster, I've named him Rudy. And guess what I didn't notice on this one???
Looks like he has a single tuft feather on each side and they look well placed and equal sized......does this count as a tuft? and then can he produce the tufts? With a better hen of course

I definitely need to work on improving the comb but I like him. That said............I am aware I know just a hair more than "squat" on Aracauna's so I'm hoping you all will educate me.

What are the tiny black spots on his wattles?


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The same guy I got the pair from had some bantams from the same place. He said they were sent to cover some losses of some sort and he didn't expect to get bantams and didn't want them so he gave them to me. He had his young standards and bantams in the same barn and I think he made a mistake on this one. They were all the same age and the bantams are half the size of this young pullet so I may still have a pair of standards. She's got twice the bone of the little guys and a lot taller.

Is she a duckwing pullet? She's clean faced so if she does turn out to be a standard rather than just a larger bantam, I'll be very happy.
What colors can I expect then? I understand his color is black breasted red, his color wasn't as nice as one of the other roosters there but he had a lot nicer look to me.


I was surprised how nice he just stood for me to take pictures. I put a puppy pad down for him to stand on a table in the feed room of the barn. It gave him a little better footing to stand still on and a nice white area so he didn't blend in too much. I love taking photo's so I may set up a little photo spot in the barn,

I figured the spots were peck marks but wasn't sure and not sure if they would just heal up or what.
Very cute both are.... thanks for sharing

I don't believe they are tufts just feathers around the ear openings..

The black spots maybe from getting up against fencing or poultry wire, or Lil scuffle with another bird maybe.., don't think they are anything bad, just keep an eye on them closely..
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I think your Roosters comb is fine, its not overly large and it does stand, how old is he?

As far as the Hen or pullet goes I find it hard to believe that it has leg feathering from Ann's birds. I only have one Araucana Hen myself that I would consider having some more feathers to her legs than the others and no way is it that feathered. Did this guy hatch these eggs with someone elses eggs when he incubated? because I think the bird looks more like an Ameraucana or Easter Egger than an Araucana, the pullet isn't correct, the Rooster you got is definately correct, and the ear feathers aren't tufts, you'll need a tufted pullet or hen to get tufts, you won't get them from breeding clean faced birds together, you have to have the gene in one of them and then hope it passes to the offspring.

The other pullet pictured does look to have some Duckwing Influence, the feather coloring is different than mine.

Has the pullet started laying yet?

I got these from a local breeder who just got started this year with eggs from Sky Blue and no where else so I don't know what happened. He had picked out the nicest to keep for himself, of course, and had offered the one's with faults for free. The one's he had culled were all clean faced and a lot with tail feathers, some just a couple and some had full tails. He said he thought it was just something that popped out and he was still learning about them too but all of them were from the same place. He gave me all the bantam aracauna's she sent to him. He said she "owed" him some chicks (I didn't ask why) and she sent him these day old chicks that turned out to all be bantam. He seemed pretty mad about it and said he didn't want any bantams and sent them all home with me. There weren't that many and I've given several away already that had really bad faults.

That's all I know unless he was just lying to me and there wasn't really a reason to lie, he was upfront about them being culls. He said they were all beautiful blue eggs. There was a black pullet there that was so ugly I didn't even take her for free. She looked like a raven with a huge head and long straight tail.

These guys are all young, I know he told me but I was so busy trying to sort through them that I forgot by the time I left. The hen with the feathered legs was squatted down on the roost when I looked at her and she stood up and it was getting dark out and all I saw was that she had a smooth rump with no feathers and she was the only other pullet available. She's still a sweet girl and I'll keep her but I'll definitely look for as good a hen as I can find by spring.

Do you have contact information for who you got your birds from? I know alot of people don't like the tailed birds and clean faced birds, I have both in my flock as well as rumpless and tufted, I'd like to see what else he has available. Your BBR Rooster looks nice, and I like the different colors in the pullet that is Duckwing influenced.

Would appreciate contact information, Thank you. Please advise.


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