breeds that wont fly away?

None of the heavy weight domestic ducks fly at all. The light weight guys can get into the air for a dozen feet or so. They aren't going to make it to Argentina for the winter.

If you are worried about flying, get a heavy breed: Rouen, Appleyard, Pekin, Aylesbury, Saxony. All of those are very nice ducks. The Pekins are a bit noisier, but all have nice personalities and all are beautiful.

Ducks handle cold really well. They will need a place to get out of the wind and keep dry. Also, you will have to break the ice off of their drinking water.
I have pekin's 2 a F & M. They are quiet until I go out there then they start talkin up a storm to momma. They were born on April 1st. I got them at 2wks old, so no imprinting, but they know who feeds them and keeps them safe at night;)
They used to scatter fast from me when they first went outside, but the last week they have been comming up to me on their own, gettin braver lol.
Here is a pic of them at 2wks. (the first day I got them)

and here they are now. took this pic. yesterday 5-13-11

I just got a Khaki Campbell duckling at 6days old. She is now 13days. But I was wondering if the Khaki's can fly?

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runners don't fly and they are very hardy. most birds that can fly won't fly away. as long as you give them food, place to sleep, and love they will stay put. Don't worry about that they most likely will not fly away.
No one mentioned muscovy, they cannot fly once they are full grown. The females go through a period when they can, but I just clipped wings. Now that they are full size they can no longer do more than give their wings a good flap. They are not noisy as they do not quack.

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