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  • Hi Ruth,
    I just wanted to tell you that your idea of putting oak leaves in your run is great! I have been doing that the past couple of weeks and they and I like it a lot! I still get poop on the bottoms of my shoes but at least I can push them around to cover the bad spots and put more leaves in when it gets worse. What happens when they freeze?
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    Reactions: ruthhope
    Glad the leaves are working out.

    Please don't ask me -- a Florida girl -- about what happens when they freeze!!! Water and watery poop freeze. I think dry leaves can provide insulation over any frozen water/poopy leaves. Certainly the point about deep litter bedding is that one adds on top so that the ducks have a dry layer to sleep on, but the underneath layers start to compost and generate heat.
    I am always surprised by how hot my deep litter bedding is when I dig it out!. It can go straight on your garden or in the ducks run as mulch. It doesn't need additional composting in a compost pile.

    I hope your winter isn't severe, or long!
    What do you feed your grown ducks on a daily basis I think today is the last day im gonna run my ducks on baby duck food, what do you recommend?
    I use TSC duck pellets for my drakes. We use organic layer pellets [formulated for chickens] for my son's females as organic duck layer pellets are unavailable now. He adds brewer's yeast. TSC hasn't had 40lb sacks duck food for >6 weeks. If I run out, I will use all flock pellets and added brewer's yeast [which I have already ordered online, in anticipation.]
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