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  1. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Well that’s so sad! Well I would help if I was closer, it’s not rocket science or all that hard. I use 6’ rebar and put them in about 2’ so I have about 4’ above ground; then use the ‘screw on’ insulators about three strands and ZAP! Gosh I love electric fencing 😁 I have done this for the...
  2. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I have three moulting, this is the latest mine have ever done that, and we are just lucky it’s been a bit mild, if it were a normal -20C they would be really suffering I am sure….. and don’t get me started on my Henny Penny and her two baby chicks 😁 At least they can hide under her when they...
  3. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I chased my brats around the outside of the barn a few times with they would escape the 'Roost Run'; finally was fed-up and brought them all back inside the barn, I have a 2pm videoconference - don't want to be distracted by chasing them down hahaha!
  4. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I scrape the skin away from the arras I want them to first work on, but most times they attack Mr Pumpkin from all angles! I really love when they stick their heads in for the seeds!
  5. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    :lau Was it dried corn or fresh? I have given fresh cob and they love it. Was going to grab some dried cobs before it was harvested but didn’t know if it was ok for chooks to eat ❤️
  6. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Hope you feel better ❤️
  7. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    What did I do with my chooks today? Well, I chased them away from my work area inside the barn every 60 seconds. The extremely high winds here kept the chooks inside the barn all day; then the wind blew down my temporary panels for the outside run - will fix that tomorrow - so just as well they...
  8. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    My neighbour did that at the Tim Hortons (coffee and donut franchise here in Canada) here in town many many years ago. Imagine my surprise at seeing my Appaloosa trotting across the road with my neighbour up on her, riding from the Fair Grounds to the Tim’s across the busy road. I just...
  9. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I use a 5 gallon pail, put about 4 inches of warm water with some liquid soap (like your no mor tears) put the hen in there, they can’t easily flap/jump out of the pail, and I can easily scrub their bums in the pail. Rinse a few times. Then I use a hairdryer to dry off the feathers after towel...
  10. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    :lau Poor babies, my kiddos do enjoy scratching around through the leaves outside, not sure about inside if they would like the scrunching sound.
  11. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Meanwhile I must have free-loaders, if anyone comes near they rush to the fence looking for treats and any leftovers that may be coming their way. My mums friend is terrified of chickens and birds, just imagine having 20 little velociraptors rushing to this person one day when they were out in...
  12. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Some of mine are like that - my silkies are so noisy! The Azurs also super noisy. And some are really quiet not a peep. I don’t think it’s a breed thing, more an individual thing.
  13. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I should point out that I have 8 other nest boxes and two small animal crates were they can lay eggs…… 😆
  14. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Today I completed some new nest boxes for the ladies, and not a moment too late. I found 5 blue eggs hidden in the loose hay on the floor of the barn. Not sure how long a couple of them had been there, but my 3 Azurs have been laying eggs in this loose hay and I normally find those three eggs...
  15. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    They are lovely, I have a fondness for BR patterns, and of course spots, is that 4 BR and 1 spotty chook I see there ? 🥰
  16. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Pets (used to be when I was a Nurse) the number one trip hazard for elderly resulting in fractures. And I seem to be tripping over the chooks multiple times daily, they are constantly underfoot. Today I was working on Hen House ‘B’ putting in some framing to insulate a north wall which is...
  17. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    What did I do with my flock today? It has rained so much here since last week that low areas are ponding, so I let the whole gang out to play in n the water - they had a blast!
  18. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Sat is the shade of the poplars while the chickies enjoyed themselves
  19. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Ok you invite me down there I January and I will invite you here in July 😊 How are things BTW?
  20. Ponypoor

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Had my neighbour 2 golden retriever dogs get stuck in the paddock with my horses who of course were doing a good job of trying to kill them! I spent $1000’s of dollars putting up dog proof fencing (keystone mesh) as I had foals and show horses. Silly dogs got under two gates to get into that...
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