Zipped halfway 10 hours ago


13 Years
May 6, 2011
Last night it had zipped halfway by 11pm. No change this morning. Still chirping.

Getting nervous. Hands off?

We are leaving in RV at 2 today, taking brooder with us. (These eggs were under broody hen and she was supposed to raise them. She abandoned nest 2 days ago)
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I would give it a little bit of a hand, just pick the shell the rest of the way in a ring and carefully pull it open. Make sure it completely absorbed its yolk sac.

Congrats on the eggs!
Last night it had zipped halfway by 11pm. No change this morning. Still chirping.

Getting nervous. Hands off?

We are leaving in RV at 2 today, taking brooder with us. (These eggs were under broody hen and she was supposed to raise them. She abandoned nest 2 days ago)
If it started zipping and stopped, I would definitely give it a hand. Usually once they start zipping they are out in no time. If they stall that long it's not a good sign.
So I helped but something is wrong. I finished the zip and it pushes itself out, but the cord is still attached to the egg and there is what looks like scrambled egg around the cord. I'll take a picture she I get back in an hour. I put it in the incubator and made a barrier with a wet wash cloth so it can't drag the shell around too much.
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It could just be the dried yolk-sac still attached to the shell, which is pretty normal. However, it could also not have fully absorbed the yolk-sac. Give it time, it may do so in a few hours.

I hope it all turns out well!
So I helped but something is wrong. I finished the zip and it pushes itself out, but the cord is still attached to the egg and there is what looks like scrambled egg around the cord. I'll take a picture she I get back in an hour. I put it in the incubator and made a barrier with a wet wash cloth so it can't drag the shell around too much.
It almost sounds as though the yolk wasn't absorbed before he started zipping and it got ruptured during the zip. Give it time. Ruptured yolk sacs aren't good, but if it was a small enough sac, it could still pulll through. Keeping fingers crossed.
Egg fell off, now it's just a matter of absorbing yolk.

Anyone know the odds? Anything I can do?
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