Broody hen keeps kicking out freshly hatched chicks.


May 24, 2023
Hello all! I have a broody hen, she is a rhoad island red and has been incubating some eggs for a while now.

I was out of town when she became broody so I honestly don't know whose eggs she is sitting on but I know they're a mix of everyone's as some are white eggs and some are brown eggs.

I've never hatched out eggs before by nature's way or by an incubator before so this whole process has been a learning curve for me.

I had one egg hatch out and was killed by the rest of the flock. I then moved broody hen and her nesting box into a separate part of the coop where the rest of the flock could see her but can't touch her. A couple of hours later, I had another baby chick. This one has been doing great, staying nice and tucked up under momma and everything.

Then I was gone for a day and a half, came home and had 3 eggs hatched out and it looked like momma kicked them out of the nest. I checked under her and she still had her little one from the day before safely under her.

Now today, 4 days later, she had her last two eggs hatch out. I checked her this morning and both eggs were hatched and again she kicked them out of the nest. They were still alive, just cold, so I put both of them under her again and watched for a long while. She seemed perfectly fine. I then checked on her again a few hours later and she's kicked them both out again. This time though they were very very cold. So I set up a small box with pine shaving and a heat lamp in my garage and have them under their right now. It took a while but they're chirping and slowly trying to move around now.

I have no idea what I am supposed to do from here or why my momma hen is taking auck great care of one chick and kicking out every other one that hatches.

I know if these babies do survive I am going to hand raise them in the garage, but I've never done it in winter before. Granted I live in AZ so our Winters are not cold. Our days are high 60s to low 70s right now with our nights anywhere from high 30s to 50s.

If anyone can help to answer why momma hen is kicking out all her chicks but one I'd really appreciate it! Also if anyone has any home remedies for how to help these babies along I'd love that info as well.
Oh I should also add that now that they're a bit active and chirping I've syring fed them a bit of egg yolk as I've heard that can help. But I'm not sure how much to give them or if it would even actually help.
Oh I should also add that now that they're a bit active and chirping I've syring fed them a bit of egg yolk as I've heard that can help. But I'm not sure how much to give them or if it would even actually help.
yes THE egg yolk will help them it has many important nutrients in it
do you know what breed they are???
I have no experience with newly hatched with momma but give the babies you are hand raising. I give them a medicated feed for the first 2-4 weeks it helps build immune system then change over to non medicated feed. Also give them some apple cider vinegar and garlic in their water for a day or two it is a good immune booster, then electrolytes in there water you can get it from your local feed store like Tractor Supply. Handle them every day so they are used to being handled. Talk to them and give them lots of love. If you can spend time on the floor with them they will crawl all over you. Like this


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