you saw them on another thread, but don't you wanna see them again

Hi Saltiena!
No, I don't fear them, or mice, or any of the rodent family at all really... just not a big fan
I agree that rats are inteligent and can make great pets. Just not for me, that's all.
Sorta feel the same about lizards and snakes. They're OK...outdoor or as pets in someone else's home...

But the pictures are nice!
Out of curiosity, do they behave while you have them out? A friend of mine has three guinea pigs that she has to keep an eye on so they don't chew on the furniture when she has them out. (Personally I think rats are smarter and more trainable than a guinea pig, but I wouldn't tell her that!!
they are accualy very well behaved, when the cats go outside we open the door to where they are and let them run about the house, its hilarious to see them running up and down the stairs after me
they are adorable and love to be held, i know what you mean mudhen about them, i feel the same aboutsnakes, i can deal with lizards, the weird thing is i love snakes in the wild, i can pick them up and carry them , but when people put them in aa cage i flip out, somthing about how they look when they are pushed against glass
mine never cheew on furanture, probably because they know that if they follow me long enough i will break down and give them a treat

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