Wry neck from injury, will this fix itself?


Apr 10, 2024
I had a couple hens hatch a batch of chicks each a little over two months ago. One of the chicks from another hen got to close to the other hen and her chicks and the mother hen attacked the chick. When I found her she was pretty banged up and I noticed she had gotten pecked pretty good in the head. The chick healed quickly but developed wry neck and now walks but mostly crouches when she walks. Her neck is very bent and I have felt around but no bones seemed broken. I have read that vitamin E helps with wry neck but will it help with it being an injury not a vitamin deficiency or sickness? Shes the sweetest chick and seems healthy otherwise and eats drinks and poops fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
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I'm sorry about your chick.

Do you have photos of her?
A video of how she walks and holds her head may be helpful - upload video to YouTube and provide a link.

Wry Neck is a Neurological Symptom. Some common causes are Trauma to the head/neck, Disease like Marek's and Nutritional Deficiency.

It would be worth a try to start her on the vitamins to see if she improves.
Give her 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily along with a little egg or tuna to help with the uptake of E.
Thank you! I plan on getting her on the vitamins immediately and I will get a photo and video posted

Poor Thing!

I hope the vitamins do help, she may have suffered permanent damage but it's so hard to know.
Vitamin therapy can take weeks, so give them time to work, keep them going for a good while.
Thank you for your help. I tried to post a video but have no idea what I am doing wrong other than being technically challenged lol

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