wry neck caused by injury

  1. C

    Wry neck from injury, will this fix itself?

    I had a couple hens hatch a batch of chicks each a little over two months ago. One of the chicks from another hen got to close to the other hen and her chicks and the mother hen attacked the chick. When I found her she was pretty banged up and I noticed she had gotten pecked pretty good in the...
  2. Jayneehartland

    Adult drake with wry neck?

    We noticed our beautiful Cayuga drake, Bling, wasn't acting like himself about 20 days ago. He would be hiding off by himself and wasn't accepting treats. We separated him so he wouldn't get picked on and started tube-feeding him. He turned around in a couple of days and got his appetite back...
  3. C

    Wry neck or mareks? Something worse?

    Urgent help needed: this is a 12 week old Easter egger. No known symptoms before, the morning I let all the chickens out, this one looked like her wing was lopsided. She was lethargic and sleepy as well. Her poops up until today have looked solid, normal, with no worms in site. Today, it was...
  4. O

    Hen attacked by fox! Has dropping neck and puncture wound to back and stomach

    Hi all I’m new to this forum but seen some good advice posted about fox attacks, thought most did not apply specifically My dad has some backyard chickens that we just keep as pets, so we are very close to them and yesterday daytime (4pm) a fox came and attacked them. There is one dead and two...
  5. schnauzerpup

    Head trauma - wry neck?

    Our 14 week chick had accidental head trauma Tuesday (stick fell on head). Immediately had issues with balance, and was twisting head to the right constantly. It tried to eat initially, but has worsened. Now it sleep all day, rarely moves except with jerky legs/wings. It does move its tongue...
  6. MrsGuinea

    My 9 mo old hen rolling like a football.. :-(

    December 1st I noticed she would lay in the corner on the floor of the coop. I didn't see anything to be concerned. Later I noticed she had a limp. I thought she may have been trampled. We have 2 guinea roosters that can play rough. I don't think they're bullies but they seem to be careless in...
  7. H

    Chicken with bent neck and very unbalanced.

    Hi, I have this black chicken (might be a rooster) that is about 29 weeks old (I'm not sure about its breed). For around two months now its head would stay tilted towards the left side. Sometimes, it would fling its head violently, as if trying to scratch its ear. Thinking that it could be wry...
  8. allebasi4

    Chick chin tucked in, rubbing top of head on ground ... wry neck?

    Hi there, I have a 2 week old bantam Cochin who, a couple days ago, suddenly started an off behavior of keeping its head tucked in (beak to chest) when it’s sleeping, and when it starts to awaken it rubs the top of its head on the ground, shaking back and forth, and usually backs up. The night I...
  9. K Mole

    Wry neck in baby silkie

    Last night while we were bringing out girls in from outside, one kicked our silkie in the head when she went to jump on a perch. Immediately after our silkie had wry neck. It seems to have worsened overnight so I separated her from the others. There is vitamin e in her water. I also have...
  10. J

    Neck injury after dog bite - help!

    Hey! My 4week old barred rock got scooped up by my dog. I got him to drop her but she just lay there. I held her for a good 30 mns she Was obviously heavily breathing and it appeared at the beginning to have a couple of drops of blood coming out of her left ear. After about an hour she chirped a...
  11. TJames

    Quail Chick - Neck Injury

    Hi all, My partner and I are first-time quail parents. We have three quails at 2 weeks old. We've named them Merry, Pippin and Bu. 5 days ago, Merry flew out of the pen and we weren't aware until midday when we went to check on all three. We found Merry 10 mins in and it was stuck behind the...
  12. T

    Wry Neck Duckling

    Hi, I've got a 2 month old crested mallard duckling that fell and hit her head a few days ago. Since then she has had trouble holding up her neck straight and she will completely straighten her legs causing her to fall over. My mom thinks it might be wry neck so we separated her and have been...
  13. C

    Fox Attack! Rooster Lethargic and Droopy...No Visible Wounds. What to do with Wry Neck from Sudden Injury?

    Help!! Woke this morning to discover the auto door on my coop didn't close, or was pried open by a fox (or two) :( We lost 4 birds and luckily 4 survived but our Rooster is not doing so well at all. He's less than a year old Freedom Ranger, but fully grown or close to it...and up until this...
  14. jsullivan704

    Polish chick with possible wry neck

    So i have some polish and silkie chicks right now, around 8 weeks old. Back when they were around 2 weeks I had a polish chick that almost died, like it wouldn't even lift its head up refused to eat or drink. I spent days nursing it back to health, expecting to find it dead every time I would...
  15. Marrionna

    Can wry neck caused by trauma be cured?

    I have a polish rooster that ended up fighting with the other rooster recently and one roo just has plucked feathers off his head making him just look very funny but he’s fine. The other however has developed what I believe to be wry neck. He doesn’t act like he’s in pain although when he gets...
  16. LooperFarm

    Goose With Wry Neck!! HELP!

    Hey all. Yesterday I went out to feed my goose and noticed that she was stumbling around as if drunk. Once I caught her, I noticed two small puncture wounds on her chest. She is unable to keep her balance and often falls over. She refused to lay down at all the first day and continued to crash...
  17. NubbyRyuu

    Pecking Order or Out for Blood?

    Hello everyone! To make a very long story (post: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/taking-care-of-swirls-the-wry-neck-silkie.1298333/ ) short, I've adopted my neighbor's Silkie Chick, who somehow became afflicted with Wry Neck. Her name is Swirls (named for the fact she will spin/run in...
  18. NubbyRyuu

    Taking Care of Swirls, the Wry Neck Silkie

    Thought I'd post here since everyone has had some experience. I "adopted" my neighbor's chick, who I call Swirls, so her husband won't cull her. She's had Wry Neck for about a week, and although she appears to be thriving, her neck hasn't improved. So I'll be taking care of her till she gets...
  19. NubbyRyuu

    Injured or Wry Neck?

    I was helping Cin move the bigger chicks into the coop today when we noticed this one's neck was suddenly crooked. She can hold it straight, but when she looks upwards, it tilts. We're not sure if one of the other chicks accidentally stepped on her or if it's something else. You can see...
  20. L

    Wrys neck from injury

    i am wondering if anyone has had this happen before and how long did it take for treatment to be successful? It started 1&1/2 days after my chicken hen was attacked by a weasel. The description from this site led me to this diagnosis. Soooo...started the vitamins today. She’s pretty stocky...
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