Would this be a suitable coop for ducks?


Jun 20, 2021
I have 9 ducklings. As you know, ducklings grow up pretty fast and they need a place for shelter outside when they get old enough. I’ve been looking online for cheap coops for my ducklings to live in when they get old enough. Would this coop be suitable for them?
I can’t afford to spend like $500 or $1,000 on a coop. I’m trying to avoid coops that have ramps bc I don’t want my ducklings to hurt their legs on a ramp when they’re older. I also want them to have some wire protection around their coop (as shown in the pictures of the coop) on the website.
Personally, I don't think that coop is big enough for nine ducks, although I don't know what breed you have. We have ~4'x8' duckhouse for six large breed (silver Appleyard) ducks, and that works wellbut I would not want more than seven in our space. Do you intend to let them free range at all? If you plan on having them in the run for prolonged periods, the run may also be a little small. We have a run that is ~16'x8' and is attached to our duckhouse. Our ducks have 24/7 access to the run, which is predator proofed. The nesting boxes in the TSC coop look like they may end up being largely wasted space in a duckhouse, and, of course, the ducks won't use the roosting bars.

I'm also very concerned that cooks are involved! ;-)

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I think it's way too small for nine ducks. The run is less than 18 square feet, and personally, I think ducks need at least ten square feet of outdoor space per duck.

Indoors, they need at least 4 square feet per duck. It doesn't say how big the coop area is, but it looks smaller than the run. You might be able to fit four ducks in it.

It says it's for 6 chickens, and chickens need less space than ducks.

I'm also not sure if ducks would jump into the nest boxes. Muscovies would, but I'm not sure about Mallard-derived ducks.

I don't like most prefab coops. DIY might be the best way to go.
I would not use that coop. For chickens, I would say two, max.

I don’t have ducks but I assume they would need similar space requirements. A diy would be much better in my opinion. I don’t think there would be much space at all, especially if the ducks need something to swim in.

It would also be a pain, as the run (I don’t think) is tall enough to walk in.

And pre fab coops are notorious for being small, flimsy, not lasting a year, and not worth the money.
Personally, I don't think that coop is big enough for nine ducks, although I don't know what breed you have. We have ~4'x8' duckhouse for six large breed (silver Appleyard) ducks, and that works wellbut I would not want more than seven in our space. Do you intend to let them free range at all? If you plan on having them in the run for prolonged periods, the run may also be a little small. We have a run that is ~16'x8' and is attached to our duckhouse. Our ducks have 24/7 access to the run, which is predator proofed. The nesting boxes in the TSC coop look like they may end up being largely wasted space in a duckhouse, and, of course, the ducks won't use the roosting bars.

I'm also very concerned that cooks are involved! ;-)

View attachment 2737367
WHAT you got something agin cooks?
You might want to check out the tread Coops Runs - Design, Construction & Maintenance. You might regret not getting or building a coop and run suitable for your ducks for the long haul.
You don't say what kind of ducks you have. I have Muscovy. They don't use nesting boxes, love the perches I installed using big branches, and have no problem with their ramp (about 1 foot from coop door to ground).
You might want to check out the tread Coops Runs - Design, Construction & Maintenance. You might regret not getting or building a coop and run suitable for your ducks for the long haul.
You don't say what kind of ducks you have. I have Muscovy. They don't use nesting boxes, love the perches I installed using big branches, and have no problem with their ramp (about 1 foot from coop door to ground).
Thank you. I’ll definitely check the thread. I’m thinking that maybe I’ll build a coop instead of buying something that won’t work for them.
Personally, I don't think that coop is big enough for nine ducks, although I don't know what breed you have. We have ~4'x8' duckhouse for six large breed (silver Appleyard) ducks, and that works wellbut I would not want more than seven in our space. Do you intend to let them free range at all? If you plan on having them in the run for prolonged periods, the run may also be a little small. We have a run that is ~16'x8' and is attached to our duckhouse. Our ducks have 24/7 access to the run, which is predator proofed. The nesting boxes in the TSC coop look like they may end up being largely wasted space in a duckhouse, and, of course, the ducks won't use the roosting bars.

I'm also very concerned that cooks are involved! ;-)

View attachment 2737367
i have pekin ducklings
You might want to check out the tread Coops Runs - Design, Construction & Maintenance. You might regret not getting or building a coop and run suitable for your ducks for the long haul.
You don't say what kind of ducks you have. I have Muscovy. They don't use nesting boxes, love the perches I installed using big branches, and have no problem with their ramp (about 1 foot from coop door to ground).
Will this work for ducks?

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