duck advice

  1. J

    Duckling stumbling and clicking

    I have two ducklings that I just got a day ago from tractor supply. One is completely fine, but the other is stumbling and every time he exhales I’m hearing a singular click. It all started today and he was fine about an hour before this all started happening. I checked his legs and feet for any...
  2. biscotti

    Are these duck nails normal? Or anything to worry about?

    Hi! It's been a while since I've been in here, and I was curious for people's opinions of my boy's nails. Without looking closely they seem fine (and honestly, my initial instinct is that they are) but I'm new to having ducks so I want to have other other people's opinions. I never really...
  3. J

    Ducklings legs bowed by food is medicated with proper vitamins.

    My Ducklings legs are bowed I believe they are at least six weeks old considering the size they weren't new borns when I got them either. I have been feeding them and my baby chicks the same feed but it has 45 mgs of niacin in it, I am also starting them up on chick boost that has will hopefully...
  4. xKaitlin

    Duck Breed?!

    Back in March I got day old ducks and ended up with 2 drakes and 2 ducks, once they were 4 months I got 3 more girls 7-12 weeks old that were mixed but I still can’t tell the breeds as I am new to this. I was told I was given a Welsh harlequin (biggest), buff Orpington (smallest) and a Swedish...
  5. C

    Newborn duck needs help!

    My newborn cayuga is in bad shape and I'm hoping someone may have some advice. It was badly shrink wrapped (the other ducklings that hatched first disrupted the humidity) so I helped it hatch. It is heavily covered in dried membrane/mucous and using a warm damp cloth isn't removing much. It also...
  6. BlessedChaosHomestead

    Vanilla: The Drake who's an idiot?

    Meet Vanilla, a year old fawn runner drake. He's king of the duck world in the flock. Granted he's the only drake now and only has one female, Chocolate, but don't let that distract you. He used to have to vie for her attention. Had to fight his friends to prove he was the big drake. But that's...
  7. D

    Duck being very vocal suddenly

    This is my first time posting so please excuse any errors. I have two domestic ducks, they’re a mix of appleyard and campbell. Both are females and laying normally. Recently, one of my ducks (who has always been more vocal than the other one) has started quacking a very deep and loud quack...
  8. E

    Duck bite?

    I have a four month old duck - drake (?) we're still trying to figure out what they are - first time duck owners ( accidental event TT_TT). So my duck does this thing where they start with nibbling at my toe and then hooks their lower beak/jaw under my toe or my slippers and then tries to...
  9. R

    Bloated duck?

    Hi! Recently my 3 years old Khaki Campbell duck looked a bit bloated or fat. I first thought she was fat, so I took away her treats and only left her normal meal (Usually a mix of corn and a pro-vita feed). I read some threads here about water belly, but hers doesn't feel squishy or watery, nor...
  10. Pamuk

    Duck's Wing Twitching and Fanning Out. Can someone tell me what this means??

    Hello all! My duck's wings do this every few days and she shakes her head and opens her mouth as if she wants to vomit and nothing comes out. Her tongue even sticks out for a while when she's doing this vomiting motion. It really scares and worries me. This happens every few days and it lasts...
  11. Pamuk

    Duck laying issues! Vet is no help!

    Hello all! My duck is 7 months old and started laying on july 20. She was egg bound with her first egg and after that was laying normally. After her tenth egg, she started experiencing some worrying symptoms such as shaking, excessive panting, wings twitching (a bit spread out as well), raspy...
  12. MarthaPlus8

    Ducks drowning another duck

    HELP… I thought… until today that I had 4 girl ducks…. But one Pekin has a curley tail feather and 1 Rouen has a ring around her neck? The immediate problem is… my male pekin and male Rouen (I think) seem to be trying to drown my other Rouen. Which I think is a girl…. But I guess I really don’t...
  13. Amfh

    Do these ducklings look abused?

    I like to keep an eye around for birds coming up for sale, this is one advertisement which really troubled me. I don't know a ton about ducks, but this looks pretty crammed and I would be worried about how fast they end up in their own waste, and about some of the smaller ones getting trampled...
  14. Claudine19

    Please help my Duck is acting weird

    Ive had this duck for two weeks now. Her and her sister were pretty neglected but are looking so much better now. Today I heard a duck screaming and came running and notice she was moving her head weirdly and squirming low on the floor. I thought she was dying she looked out of it and then she...
  15. D

    Muscovy Setup and Rat Snake Safety

    Early this may I had 5 tiny muscovies ducklings. After I lost two, I put a large dog crate in my room that I keep the ducks in from 8:30pm-10:00am. During the day the ducklings are released into the duck run to frolic until the sun starts setting, rinse and repeat. I've kept this up for a couple...
  16. NinjaGamer2022

    Can Ducks live happily and healthy without pond

    I think it would be cool to own ducks in the future (Khaki Campbell, Magpie, Indian Runner, and/or Call ducks) but where I live having a pond may or may not be feasible in the future. Advice is appreciated. Thx,
  17. F

    Holes in my eggs!

    Newly laid eggs keep coming up with holes in them, and I’m worried! I had a rat problem due to a hole in my duck’s coop and I am thinking maybe they found another way in again? The holes all are the same shape each time. I’m just hoping it isn’t another duck poking holes. The yolk doesn’t seem...
  18. C

    My ducks are scaredy-cats

    Hi all, so I recently built a pond for my 4 ducks (7 feet wide, 4.5 feet deep) and the ducks naturally loved it immediately. We couldn’t keep them out while we were building it! Well as of lately they have been hesitant going in. The past few days they will approach the pond and examine it...
  19. KathiQuacks

    I think my ducks have wet feather. What should I do going forward?

    Hello everyone. Over the past week or so, I’ve started to notice that my ducks (two 8 week old Pekin-Rouen mixes, and two 7 week old Pekins) appear to have developed wet feather. After swimming, their feathers become completely soaked, and it can take well over an hour for them to dry. They have...
  20. E

    How much Vitamin B complex should I give my duck?

    Hi! So i have Vitamin B complex intended for human use. I plan to use it for my duck (1) and she's only more or less a month old. How much should I give her?
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