Woods open air clean out question


Jan 19, 2019
Baltimore, Maryland
I’m getting set to start construction on a 8x12 woods coop. I’m wondering if I could have the front, under the windows, open down for easier cleaning and access for sand etc. would it interfere somehow with the drafts the coop was designed for? Has anyone done this?
Thanks for your input and advice.
Whats all this coop cleaning about anyway? Woods coop is wide open, no worry about moisture/ventilation so perfect for DLM.
2 years in and I have not cleaned my coop, I do plan on cleaning it in the spring and starting over. If I had to clean my coop/scoop poop I would not have chickens! Also I have NO bad smells, just an earthy composty smell:)

I've thought about having the front as one big screen door made with hardware cloth. I was considering it for a smaller 4x8 sized one. Haven't done it yet.

The one problem with what you suggest is the roof of the scratch shed is pretty low, especially in the front, at about 4 feet. You have to bend over to get in there, and don't stand up fast. I have only hit my head once in mine so far.

The main door on the side works for getting anything in and out. I use a grain shovel to clean mine out. I just toss it in the run.
Assuming you are planning to have the door threshold 8-12 inches high. You could design it to open and lock shut with bolts. Then you would have a floor level clean out.

It all depends on what works best with your coop/yard set up. As long as you maintain the sides when it is all closed up, it won't affect the air cushion design.
That sounds good. My coop will be on posts so elevated 18 inches or making this scoop/ clean out at the right height for me. I know I can always use the door but with the steps in the way, I thought this would be more convenient.

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