Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey, everyone,
Here is another question for ya. Have what I think is a Red Star. Yesterday morning and this morning, I took some whole wheat bread out and gave it to the girls. The Red chicken, yesterday was pooping light yellow/white poo. Today here rear end is all messy and has yellow (light), white and black poo stuck on her and she is just sitting around more than usual....is it because of the bread? She was sitting in a box earlier around 4pm and at 6pm I went out to see if I had eggs. She had moved from the box to the floor of the coop and was just sitting there. Since it was raining most of the day yesterday and today, I did not get out to see if she was eating and drinking. Can someone tell me if this is normal?
Was the bread moldy? Certain molds are toxic to chickens and can sicken or kill them. Never feed a chicken anything moldy ever.

If she is just sitting/laying around more than usual, that is a red flag that something is not right. Try feeding her some plain full fat yogurt, or mix some yogurt with some oatmeal so she gets some active cultures in her intestines. Also put some vitamins/electrolytes in their water. HTH
New to the whole chicken raising. We have 6 bantams right now and 15 LF coming tomorrow. As far as I can tell I have a pullet and cockerel of each type for the bantams,and the 3 types being Silver Sebright, Golden Sebright,and Butterscotch booted bantam. My LF I am getting are Dominique,Buckeye,and Rhode Island Red's,5 of each. They will all be sharing a 8x12 coop with a 16x24 fenced in run. Here is a video I thought was pretty cool I took this afternoon of my little clowns who are 5 weeks old now.
I tried to watch your vid but it said it was private.

Congrats on all the new chickies and welcome to the Cheesehead thread! I hope you like it here.

I have a gold Seabright pair & I just love them. So full of personality. I wish I could hatch out more but my pair just don't seem to feel the love for each other. Lol!
Alright, so I learned the hard way today you don't visit a farm store with the intention of 'just looking' at chicks... apparently for me, that means they come home with us! So here is one of my ladies, just getting used to walking around on my desk! So far they are doing awesome, stepping all over each other, eating and drinking great, and now cuddled together sleeping. I just want to hold and snuggle them all day. They are so soft!

Hi All!

Made a nice egg baked egg dish for supper with fresh asparagus, tomatoes and cheese. Hash browns and sausage on the side. Num Num!

Nothing else new..... Night All!
I tried to watch your vid but it said it was private.  :(   

Congrats on all the new chickies and welcome to the Cheesehead thread! I hope you like it here. 

I have a gold Seabright pair & I just love them. So full of personality. I wish I could hatch out more but my pair just don't seem to feel the love for each other. Lol! 

Thank you for the kind words and the heads up on the video,should be working now. Sorry to hear about your pair maybe try some scrambled egg over candle light one night lol jk. Oh and my chicks came in today from Cackle Hatchery 7 Dominique, 5 Buckeye, and 5 Rhode Island Red's pics to come.
I have no doubt they are well built,,  but what is the design like ?  
easy to clean?  easy to feed and water ?  easy to move ?
I couldn't buy something based on pictures..  I would have to see it in person..  
. I haven't seen them in person. But they are cute. ;) I think she plans on having one at the swap in Neilsville. I agree with building them so they are easy to clean. That was my goal with mine.
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I am getting ready to get chicks, so I am looking around to see what is available. The local stores take orders from customers for Sunnyside Hatchery and get delivery to the store for pick-up by the customers. I am thinking of ordering some chicks as a start of a flock, if my coop works out and I want to expand, I may look into getting a specific breed at a later date.

Anyone raise the "Sagitta" chicks from Sunnyside hatchery? They are listed as Dual Purpose. From the flyer: "the mating of a red dual purpose female and a broiler type male produces chicks that are red to very dark red-brown in color ... the Sagitta has good meat characteristics plus the females have good laying ability". They are only available as Straight Run - but DH and I are willing to take our chances on getting a few hens out of the batch. My mom would like a couple of chickens for cooking and DH would like to try some home grown chicken. Hopefully, he is going to be willing to chew a little, he complained that the last store-bought chicken was a little tough - it was hard to cut with a fork.
Hey everyone, new member here, glad to find a Cheesehead group!

As far as toughness, my husband always brines our homegrown chicken, which helps a lot. If you google "brine for chicken" you should find lots of simple brine recipes. I know the recipe he uses has soy sauce in it, and it always turns out great, even when grilled. Let me know if you want me to post it here for you.


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