Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

New to the whole chicken raising. We have 6 bantams right now and 15 LF coming tomorrow. As far as I can tell I have a pullet and cockerel of each type for the bantams,and the 3 types being Silver Sebright, Golden Sebright,and Butterscotch booted bantam. My LF I am getting are Dominique,Buckeye,and Rhode Island Red's,5 of each. They will all be sharing a 8x12 coop with a 16x24 fenced in run. Here is a video I thought was pretty cool I took this afternoon of my little clowns who are 5 weeks old now. 
New to the whole chicken raising. We have 6 bantams right now and 15 LF coming tomorrow. As far as I can tell I have a pullet and cockerel of each type for the bantams,and the 3 types being Silver Sebright, Golden Sebright,and Butterscotch booted bantam. My LF I am getting are Dominique,Buckeye,and Rhode Island Red's,5 of each. They will all be sharing a 8x12 coop with a 16x24 fenced in run. Here is a video I thought was pretty cool I took this afternoon of my little clowns who are 5 weeks old now.
Welcome to the Cheeseheads and BYC!
Thank you so much everyone for the input!!! I am totally going off what's cute, not practical lol because A. I'm a girl and B. I'm new lol. I like the tractor idea because they are adorable and moveable, but I like the idea of a possible standing structure. The budget is negotiable, I was just using that as a starting point. :)
the first year we moved here, we bought 100 chicks. all we had for a coop was a 3' x'3' x3' plywood box.
I put a light bulb in it and we had no fence.. the chicks went into that box every night until they were too big to all fit.
then they just sort of spread out in front of it on the ground.. at that time all we had was a house in the middle of a cow pasture,, no trees, no garage, no out buildings,no knowledge,

computer is acting up.. better stop and submit before I lose it..

Early Evening to everyone...forgot to comment on all the great pics....thanks for sharing them. We all enjoy seeing them, even if nothing is mentioned... Welcome to the new folks...glad you came aboard to some friendly and knowledgeable folks....you arrived in time to make the bash.....a link in my siggy will explain.

Where did you order your peeps from masked m?

I did it again...took a half ham and cut a almost 2" thick steak and flopped that baby on the weber....it is to die for...perfection at it's best.....I cut two more steaks for the freezer, plus the bone with a lot of meat for soup later this week...it will be bean and ham with our own home-grown cranberry beans and canned stewed tomatoes that are needed for the recipe. Simple life is good!

Kinda rain off and on here...managed to get a lot of things done outside...plus a small load of wood cut.

Have fun, be safe...bigz
Hey, everyone,
Here is another question for ya. Have what I think is a Red Star. Yesterday morning and this morning, I took some whole wheat bread out and gave it to the girls. The Red chicken, yesterday was pooping light yellow/white poo. Today here rear end is all messy and has yellow (light), white and black poo stuck on her and she is just sitting around more than usual....is it because of the bread? She was sitting in a box earlier around 4pm and at 6pm I went out to see if I had eggs. She had moved from the box to the floor of the coop and was just sitting there. Since it was raining most of the day yesterday and today, I did not get out to see if she was eating and drinking. Can someone tell me if this is normal?
Ugh...just found out that one of my 5 week old hens is actually a cockerel. What a bummer! I will call Abendroth's tomorrow - does anyone know if they will give me a replacement?

I guess I have a 5 week old RIR cockerel if anyone is interested in him. I live in the city and can't keep him.
I have a friend up north here that has some really nice coops for sale but in the $500 range, were already lowered down from much higher. Coops have an attached smaller run. She is on FB if you are interested I can get you in contact with her.
[/quote .

I have seen photos of these coops and they are very nice and well built. Her husband is a carpenter.
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