Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Help, I can't find my slw bantam. I let the five hens out this morning and she is not around. There is a pile of feathers though. That can't be good. Do you t hink something got her?
Unfortunately I think it is a question of what got her
Guess it depends if she got away from the predator and is hiding someplace or was carried away.... what a bummer. How sad.

One of the reasons I'm starting to like having geese more and more. The pigs are even afraid of them.

Hope you find her and she is well.
It has been almost two years and they do fine during the day. They are locked up at night. I hate to keep them caged 24/7. I have a terrier. If I leave him out with the girls will that keep t he predators away or do ou think this is a quirk?
Help, I can't find my slw bantam. I let the five hens out this morning and she is not around. There is a pile of feathers though. That can't be good. Do you t hink something got her?
Oh no. So sorry to hear this, Dooner. Banties are choice pickings for preds, unfortunately. I sure hope I am wrong.
Keep looking though. She might have found a good hiding spot & is too terrified to leave after such a close call.

don't give up hope yet., My Japanese Bantam went missing for 2 weeks and showed up in the neighbors yard.
fingers crossed.


don't give up hope yet., My Japanese Bantam went missing for 2 weeks and showed up in the neighbors yard.
fingers crossed.


Yes, those little gals can dig in and hide out. I was surprised by a hen and chicks a couple of days after a raccoon got in to my chickens. They hid out in a brush pile until they were sure the coast was clear. Hope yours finds its way back to you, Donner!

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