Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Weather keeps going, it is going to get people excited to plant garden. The late freeze will come and the retailers will be licking thier chops at all the people who did not get to cover thier plants.

Anyway way back when when I moved to this state I planted garden, early nice spring. Farmer came by looked and said, "way to early". I blew him off and I got away with it. I learned the following year though. :D

Dont plant more than a person can cover.
It looks like it could be lice.
I cleaned out the entire coop and run on Tuesday. Raked out the pine shavings in the coop, sprayed with bleach water, and lice killer. Same with the run. All the grass/hay is gone. Used DE in both areas. The other girls so far are okay when I checked them.

Sprayed anti bacterial spray on her vent area and introduced regular Greek yogurt in their morning ferment. What else should I do?
Just wondering what treatments people find to be the "easiest" when dealing with scaley leg mites. :barnie We have 38 chickens, so I know it's going to be time consuming to treat all. So far, I've only used castor oil with a drop of tea tree oil on the 3 showing signs. (Slathered it on and gently massaged it in.) I want to get a plan in place before I get to work treating all.
There will be eggs have dust bath, chickens help keep the problem under control themselves.
I think eggs hatch 7 to 10 days.
Carefull of DE as I have read fine powder and be hard on lungs.
It can be if you breathe it in. So is a lot of things, so don't breathe it in or allow your chickens to either. You don't throw this around, you sprinkle it around. I have box of cheap air masks in the garden shed for mowing and spreading DE.

A used parmesan cheese container makes a great shaker for it!

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