will they fly away?

Hi JADE!!!!!!!!

the guy who checks and gives out the npip cards told us about the show mans clip. idk if im right i stopped showing my ducks after the avian flu outbreak across the country so i dont know if it is ok. i just thought i would share it I'll have to check with a judge next time i go to a show but he did say it was fine.

No idea, dear. I've heard of a show clip but never even looked into what it means. I always assumed it meant wing clipping that was intended to make the ducks look less clipped just in general as pets. I'm really very curious about it. Was that at a fair or a sanctioned show? Some fairs have much looser requirements than formal poultry shows do.

I'll try to look that up in the book tonight or tomorrow. I wish they'd make the thing available electronically, but they probably don't do that to avoid piracy issues. One of my all-time favorite duck books isn't available electronically and is very expensive in print, so I rarely recommend it to people.

So good to hear from you!!!
Good to hear from you too :)

it wasent at a show of any kind , it was when he came to give me my npip card that he mentioned it so im not sure :(. i could always call and ask him again if i need to.
What about khaki Campbells

Yes, KCs fly, but they don't fly like you might consider ducks that soar into the air. We had a KC duck that would fly quite a bit, but not far and not long. She would sometime go 30-40 feet, and longer distances if she was able to soar for part of the way. KCs are definitely not likely to just fly away like a Mallard might. The one I'm talking about only flew in our yard, but she loved to go visit all the neighbors when she got a chance. She for some reason always did that on foot.
Yes, KCs fly, but they don't fly like you might consider ducks that soar into the air. We had a KC duck that would fly quite a bit, but not far and not long. She would sometime go 30-40 feet, and longer distances if she was able to soar for part of the way. KCs are definitely not likely to just fly away like a Mallard might. The one I'm talking about only flew in our yard, but she loved to go visit all the neighbors when she got a chance. She for some reason always did that on foot.

She did?? Criminy, that musta been stressful! I had no idea Khakis could fly. I know sometimes you get a freak bird who can somehow buck their own breeding, but wow! I even saw a Pekin fly once. Only, like, 20 feet and 3 feet horizontal to the ground, but still. Color me impressed. I sure can't do that.
She did?? Criminy, that musta been stressful! I had no idea Khakis could fly. I know sometimes you get a freak bird who can somehow buck their own breeding, but wow! I even saw a Pekin fly once. Only, like, 20 feet and 3 feet horizontal to the ground, but still. Color me impressed. I sure can't do that.
LOL. You're too used to clipped house ducks. It wasn't at all stressful. We loved to see it.

I didn't read your post until after I did my own. You weren't wrong. I think it's more about what we mean when we say "fly." Campbells are relatively small ducks and they can fly as far as like, "If I could do that, would I say I could fly?" Absolutely. If it's do they soar high into the air and fly like you see with Mallards or crows or hawks, no, they don't do that. It's not as much their weight as it is their wings relative to their weight.

I'm not surprised you saw a Pekin fly. Most ducks can do what we'd consider flying if we could do it ourselves, and wouldn't that be like the ultimate thing to do. I think so. I've told Scott that I think I'd spend all the time I could in the air if I could fly, but you have to remember that flying is extremely tiring for most ducks. That's why many flying ducks choose to walk around rather than fly around, and most of our Calls walk a lot more than they fly. It's very similar to how humans walk rather than run. (I personally don't run unless I'm being chased.)

One of our Rouens, same weight class as a Pekin, really did the flying thing one time, and only one time. I had a beautiful little buddy I hatched from one of Lacrystol's eggs, and I babied him. I took him outside one day on the opposite side of the yard to let him poke around at things. Galen, the Rouen, who was on the total opposite side of the 1+ acre property happened to spy him with me, took to the air and flew all the way across the property. Only maybe two feet off the ground, but a long distance. He landed right next to Peanut and bit him on the butt before I could even try to intervene. I scooped a terrified Peanut up and took him back in the house, but I was well aware after that that Galen could fly if he chose to.
i got the 1 male duck at a flea market and later that year i got a pair, and the drakes fought at 1st then i kept the pair in a run so that my other drake could be by them, and a week or 2 later i put them back together and now they dont fight, an they have been together for 5 months.
i got the 1 male duck at a flea market and later that year i got a pair, and the drakes fought at 1st then i kept the pair in a run so that my other drake could be by them, and a week or 2 later i put them back together and now they dont fight, an they have been together for 5 months.

Might or not work. If these are 2015 ducks, mating season isn't here for them yet.

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