Will chicken Poop Kill the grass

i have a lawn squad. they work great get the jod done and are butterball fat. they are moving down a patch of oats and greens i planted over winter that seeded out and is delicious to them. just keep em moved and theyll do great.
I have 3 banty hens in a 4' x 7' tractor and I typically only need to move it about once every other day. We had some heavy snow storms this year and right now, if you look really close, you can tell where the tractor was stuck in the same place for almost 10 days... the grass is really green and growing faster than the rest of the lawn.
I am doing 160 meat birds in a 10'x20' tractor that I have open out on a fenced in area. I have been moving the tractor every 2 days, but it is not enough. There are 5'x5' sections in each parcel where I move where the grass is completely matted down and will die. I thought I could rake up the area, broadcast some seed and get regrowth as I will work my way back to my starting point about every 8 weeks. No luck with red clover. Is there any grass that will germinate and grow in such a high nitrogen environment? Moving that many birds and 150' of fencing every day (I have 2 tractors like this, 320 birds at a time out on pasture) is very time consuming. Any ideas, or just suck it up and move them?

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