Will bird netting keep the hawks from killing?

I had a hawk get into my chicken run/coop that was covered with just netting. I don't know if it made the hole that it used to get in or if the hole was there for a bit and I didn't see it. I lost one chicken to it but luckily, I ran down there before it got any more. It didn't want to leave the run even after I went in there. Crazy! I now have my run covered with bent hog panels, wire, and a tarp. Nothing is getting in there now.
What kind of netting? A hawk isn't getting through 2" heavy knotted netting most has 85 lbs. breaking strength. Can get x-tra heavy with 115 or 125 lbs. breaking strength
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Tonight I put a piece of plywood over the entrance to the coop. Most of the birds went right in, I have three kerosene lamps in the coop for heat and a little light. Today was real cold, only 9 F for the high. At least I don't have to worry about the hawk before I get out there tomorrow. Can't wait to get my netting!!
What kind of netting? A hawk isn't getting through 2" heavy knotted netting most has 85 lbs. breaking strength. Can get x-tra heavy with 115 or 125 lbs. breaking strength
It was labeled as heavy duty, but really wasn't. It was the 1/2 " by 1/2 " black netting. It keeps out wild birds and keeps chickens in, but not good enough for hawks.
So check this out, I had the plywood on the coop entrance all night. This morning I took off the plywood and let them out, then I went out every 30-45 minutes or so to make sure that hawk wasn't around. Then I finally went out to feed the cows and water the ducks and chickens. All of the sudden that hawk came swooping down with wings spread wide and claws sticking out right in front of me! He was about 20 feet away and I shook my pitchfork and was yelling at him, luckily he didn't grab a bird! All the birds ran back into the coop and I sealed up the coop with the plywood. And that's with six plastic owls within 30 feet of the entrance. And forget the mannequin, that will never work. It's almost like that hawk knows he is federally protected and is taunting me LOL.

By the way, I've used the cheap one inch netting over my garden the last couple years and I found that small sparrows get their neck stuck in it. I've released a few and some have died in it, I'd stick with the 2 inch netting.
So check this out, I had the plywood on the coop entrance all night. This morning I took off the plywood and let them out, then I went out every 30-45 minutes or so to make sure that hawk wasn't around. Then I finally went out to feed the cows and water the ducks and chickens. All of the sudden that hawk came swooping down with wings spread wide and claws sticking out right in front of me! He was about 20 feet away and I shook my pitchfork and was yelling at him, luckily he didn't grab a bird! All the birds ran back into the coop and I sealed up the coop with the plywood. And that's with six plastic owls within 30 feet of the entrance. And forget the mannequin, that will never work. It's almost like that hawk knows he is federally protected and is taunting me LOL.

By the way, I've used the cheap one inch netting over my garden the last couple years and I found that small sparrows get their neck stuck in it. I've released a few and some have died in it, I'd stick with the 2 inch netting.
We have very tenacious hawks here too. After that first one got into the run, I only let my chickens free range when someone is out there. My daughter and I were out there and the hawk flew down and went after one of our chickens not even 10 feet from us. I did the same thing you did: running with a pitchfork. It flew up into a nearby tree and just glared at me like I was messing up his plans. They are very determined. Luckily, the bird that he nearly got ended up being okay. She was terrified and lost quite a few feathers but ended up alright.

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