Will a rooster allow chicks?


Crossing the Road
6 Years
Apr 6, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I have some eggs hatching in an incubator I collected from the hens. I am interested in letting them free-range in the pen area some of the day so that way they are not always cramped in a bin/box, especially when they hit about a few weeks and they desire to be out. Do you think the rooster will allow them? He is really good with the hens but I have a feeling he would hurt them as soon as I let the chicks in. Is there a way to keep him from doing this or should I just keep them separated? It isn't really necessary to keep the chicks with the older chickens, I was just wondering if it's possible.
Make a little pen inside your main pen for the chicks and see how your roo reacts.In my experience the roos are usually not the issue, the hens are the beasts to watch. A mini pen will give everyone a chance to get to know each other without anyone eating babies...and trust me at least one will loooove the taste of baby.:)
Make a little pen inside your main pen for the chicks and see how your roo reacts.In my experience the roos are usually not the issue, the hens are the beasts to watch. A mini pen will give everyone a chance to get to know each other without anyone eating babies...and trust me at least one will loooove the taste of baby.:)
No, it isn't safe to let them out to mingle without an introduction period in a "see-no-touch" set up.
There are many excellent threads on integrating youngsters into the flock, lots of valuable advice. And btw, there are many stories of roosters accepting chicks.
Good luck!
You should always let them meet through wire,unless there is a mother available,she will introduce.But Depending on the male,he may not care about the chicks existence,while soem roosters chase and attack chicks,such as one of mine.My Cochin doesn’t mind the chicks but on top of that,his hen hatched them.He will lightly peck them.Most generally grown chickens will not care.It isn’t dangerous unless it’s in supervised and the birds are obviously being too aggressive.I have officially added two four week old bantam chciks Along with mom to my flock,my bird almost neevr attack them.But,I also free range and have extra things for them to do and get away from He others in my run.Lots of times I don’t even use a no touch,I just go in for it.
On top of that,the younger the better.The older they get he worse it is likely gonna be for everybody,it’s definitely about territory and everything that comes with it,young chciks are not a threat.A three month old bird is likely gonna get the crap knocked out of him.
My Old guy luvs chicks, I had a batch I was introducing to the flock. He comes over and tries to take them from me, they of course told him "not the momma"! He did give up but I thought it to be cute.
But this can and will vary bird to bird, and the girls will definitely tell them that they eat first! Keep an eye on them! And plenty of room, hiding places, eating/drinking places,,,

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