Wild Emus Visiting (but Emu Chat Thread?)


10 Years
Nov 9, 2013

So, an Update:

about 6-8 weeks ago, three 'chicks' came several times to the house-clearing. I wondered if they, like the four of Tooshtoosh's chicks who are still here, were a clutch of chicks still together at 16 months. I got good observations of the three visitors: definitely not mature birds.

Well yesterday three birds -- two males and a female -- rocked out of the gums, and came to try to tax some of my chicks' wheat. What made me wonder if it's the same three 'chicks' as two months ago was that they came right up to me and the home team. One even sat down while eating.

Whatever, the four tame-wild chicks have all begun vocalising in those intervening weeks, and definitely behaving more adult-like -- like beating feathers off intruders.


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