Why is my baby chick Mad at me!!

Help!! I recently washed my new baby chick to get stuck poop off of it with warm water and sunflower oil. First, I could not get it off, and Second it now absolutely runs from me when she sees me. What should I do? Is there a better way to wash her with out hurting her?
I watched a YouTube video and basically it’s the way you hold them when washing. I don’t know how to explain it very good but there heads should be by your wrist and you hold their butts directly under the warm water and keep gently wiping with paper towel or whatever until it falls off.

I would hold feed in your hand and maybe make tapping noises with a finger like the mama would or talk to it gently. They definitely will warm up. It does take a couple weeks idk atleast in mine that’s what I’ve noticed.

I’m pretty new to this as well but I am learning after 3 1/2 weeks its all about bonding time and giving treats. They LOVE a scoop of grass/dirt and will scratch around and make happy chirpies. I mean it’s definitely a sign they want to be in their natural habitat! Today I even had one jump out and climb into my hand and it sat in my hand. I almost crapped my pants because I thought they didn’t like me
The baby chick that I put sunflower oil on is rubbing his feathers a way and his skin looks very raw and sick. What should I do?
Because I read that sunflower oil help them heal if I hurt them.

The baby chick that I put sunflower oil on is rubbing his feathers a way and his skin looks very raw and sick. What should I do?
It doesn't. Please don't do things to your birds that you read on social media or blogs . You don't want your chick to bond with you that much, you want in to bond with the other chicks.
Can you get pictures
The baby chick that I put sunflower oil on is rubbing his feathers a way and his skin looks very raw and sick. What should I do?
When my baby chicks had the paste butt they did the same thing. The other little chicks were picking their butts and I was worried but just kept checking. Before you know it their feathers will come back. Future advice don’t rub any oils or nothing like that unless you know 110% it’s okay.

It’s okay we all make mistakes. It was a week before I even noticed the pasty butt on a few of my chicks so it’s okay! i hope all goes well!

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