Why is fluid coming out of my chicken when I tilt her?


8 Years
Aug 20, 2015
southern Alabama
I have a hen on the mend from fly strike and today when I tilted her towards the ground to clearly see her bottom and reapply the vetericyn, fluid was just coming out of her beak and pouring onto the floor. It wasn't much and it just looked clear but if it was cloudy I probably wouldn't have been able to tell because it didn't stand out against the floor. I didn't notice a foul smell other than coming from her rear that is still healing. I did notice this happen once a couple days ago as well while doing the same thing. Should I be worried and is there something else I should look for to figure out what's causing this?
I have a hen on the mend from fly strike and today when I tilted her towards the ground to clearly see her bottom and reapply the vetericyn, fluid was just coming out of her beak and pouring onto the floor. It wasn't much and it just looked clear but if it was cloudy I probably wouldn't have been able to tell because it didn't stand out against the floor. I didn't notice a foul smell other than coming from her rear that is still healing. I did notice this happen once a couple days ago as well while doing the same thing. Should I be worried and is there something else I should look for to figure out what's causing this?
Sounds like she has an impacted crop. Feel her crop first thing in the morning. It should be empty. If it isn’t then there is a blockage.
I cannot link right now - but look in the articles for one that explains what to do.
It's also possible that she had just drank, and her crop was full from that. How the crop feels first thing in the morning before she's eaten or drank will answer that.
These may be the articles that @RoyalChick was referring to:


Thanks for posting the links to the articles - I seem to have issues doing that when I am on my phone.
Absolutely @Serenity06 the top priority is an early examination of her crop.
If you are unsure what it should feel like then feel some of your other birds too.
I find the best way to do this is early morning - while it is still dark - using a headlamp with a red light. Don't delay doing this if you don't have one of those - but it is worth getting one as it makes lots of chicken tasks much easier. They are much easier to catch and handle when it is dark.
I checked her crop last night and this morning and both times it felt empty. I also checked some of my other chickens so I would know what to be feeling for. The one in question hasn't been eating much at all so I think maybe that's why it was empty last night as well? I boiled some egg for her this morning and she pecked at that but didn't eat much. I also felt for an egg around her vent to see if the malnutrition, stress, and pain of the fly strike had caused her to become egg bound and that's why she is 1. Not showing much interest in food 2. Been having watery poops and 3. Standing the way you can see in the photos. But her comb and wattle don't seem pale and I didn't feel an egg anywhere. I assumed the stance and lack of appetite was due to the pain but today she was acting more like her normal self than ever (being more vocal and alert and scratching at the floor when I changed her bedding) but still she doesn't seem to want to eat much and has all the other symptoms mentioned. I'm not sure what else to try or if I even should do anything else.


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Sour crop - it is best to try to make her threw up and get the yuck stuff out of her crop. Most of the time they will get better with some TLC from there keeper.
How old is she? How long previous to the flystrike since she'd laid an egg? Was she having a constantly dirty vent with stuck droppings? That what caused the flystrike?
Many times hens with a reproductive problem will get flystrike as they can have constantly dirty rears from runny droppings or from having difficulty pushing the droppings out. Those can also manifest with crop problems as digestion can slow or stop.
How old is she? How long previous to the flystrike since she'd laid an egg? Was she having a constantly dirty vent with stuck droppings? That what caused the flystrike?
Many times hens with a reproductive problem will get flystrike as they can have constantly dirty rears from runny droppings or from having difficulty pushing the droppings out. Those can also manifest with crop problems as digestion can slow or stop.
She is only a few months older than 2 years old and I am honestly not sure how long it's been since she laid an egg. I've never understood how people just know which chickens laid which eggs or how often each chicken lays and I've kept them for as long as I can remember 😅 I have another buff orpington and 2 other hens that lay eggs the same size and color so I'm not sure how to know which egg she specifically laid unless I saw her do it? Is there a trick to it? Yes her vent was dirty and that is what caused the fly strike. I'm not sure what initially caused the dirty vent either.

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