Who uses a box fan?

chickens don't sweat so moving air has no cooling effect. in fact, blowing hot air on them is worse than no moving air. think convection oven. if you want a fan to help it shoud be used to evacuate heated air at a temperatare that is above ambient. set it up to exaust with intake air coming in from vents or opposite windows. i think pulling the air out of the top of the coop allowing air closer to the ground to replace it is a better setup.
i had three fans , a box , metal high speed, and blower style. the box fan only lasted a month because of the dust the other two are on their fourth year (they were in the greenhouse b4) i run them 24/7. spend the extra money for a indoor/OUTdoor fan,
mine are hung from the rafters and the cords are tied up to the rafters . DO NOT LET THE PLUGS TOUCH THE FLOOR!!! (ours caught fire last year!!) we even wrap ours in electrical tape.

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I have a real Lowcountry cooling system.
I haul a cheapo box fan out, plug it into an extension cord and let it blow through the pens.

Then I watch the roo and hens stand in front, wings slightly raised, doing slow pirouettes in front of it. Hilarious to see!

On the really hot days, I put a tub with a bag of ice in front of the fan- it blows across the ice, sending cool air in. They love that.
With 102 temps this weekend and losing one of my wyandottes and nearly losing another, our chicken pen now looks like an ad for a box fan commercial. I had one fan going, but it wasn't enough. have two in the coup, one in each run blowing directly down on chickens. They weren't nearly as stressed today. Cool front comeing through this week, temps going down to 95.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to the cool front, too! Is it me, or has this been an unusually HOT spring in the southeast?

I am only using 1 fan at the moment, but I have 3 more that I can set up.
I have a lil fan hanging high in my coop and plan on getting a larger one soon. It has been a much hotter June than usual here in North Texas and only getting hotter as this week rolls on.
I treat my chickens as I would treat myself outside - I much rather have a fan blowing hot hair on me than none at all and I don't sweat all that much myself! Guess, once again, you have to decide what's best for your situation and if you see results, stick to it!
My coop is 16'x10' and even though it has 5 windows, a door window and a ridge vent, and 2 gable vents, it was always sweltering in there in the summers. I got a box fan and put it on the end window, with a 1x2 piece of wood to keep it from falling backwards, and keep it on high almost all summer. It did wonders. Even though the temp is still high, it just feels so much better. This fan blows outward.
When its really unbearably hot, I set another fan in the front storage room, right behind a screen door and turn it on. The chickens love to lay right in front of it and cool off.

I thoroughly clean the fan every fall or spring, since it gets pretty darned dirty. A leaf blower works great for that.

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