White Turkey Get Sunburn?


In the Brooder
Feb 1, 2018
Hi everyone! I know this is a bit of a weird question but does turkeys need suncream? In particular the white turkey? I have a lovely girl and she is my first turkey so this will be out first summer together and I would like to make sure she is ok! Is there anything I can put on her head? Or will she be ok?
Thank you all for reading and hopefully put my mind at ease!
Hi everyone! I know this is a bit of a weird question but does turkeys need suncream? In particular the white turkey? I have a lovely girl and she is my first turkey so this will be out first summer together and I would like to make sure she is ok! Is there anything I can put on her head? Or will she be ok?
Thank you all for reading and hopefully put my mind at ease!
I am not saying it can't happen but I have never known any turkey to get sunburn. I would leave your turkey's head alone and stop worrying about it.

Turkeys do need the ability to have shade when the sun is shining brightly. My turkeys have even sought out shade when it was -20°F on a bright sunny day.
That is perfect thank you both for replying! I just wanted to make sure as although she usually sits in the shade she also can just sit in the middle of the garden!

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