Which Type Do You Use?

What Food Type Do You Use?

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Three Little Chickens

In the Brooder
Dec 1, 2021
This is a question for all chicken owners, I‘m interested to know what type of food you all use?

I used to use crumble but it got very messy and I had to refill the food pipe (the feeder is a pvc pipe with a 45 degree attachment at the bottom) it was costing me a lot to feed only three chickens. Now with seven, I needed to do something different. I first changed to pellets and crumble so they had a mix. The crumble was still very messy and they didn’t eat many pellets. Now I only use pellets and they eat enough but the pellets seem to be more filling? They also have food scraps from the kitchen (and quite a lot of them) each morning, and they get let out into the yard for a couple hours every second day at least. I also raid the lettuce bins at the supermarket, they go absolutely crazy when I get them lettuce 😂

Let me know what your stories are!

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