Which cheap Amazon "rabbit hutch" will make a good brooder?

Mar 26, 2020
Frederick, MD
Current situtation: I have 14 chicks (2-3 weeks old) in an XL metal dog crate (7.5 sq. ft.) w/ a brooder plate inside my coop. This was a great brooder when I had 6 chicks, but is crowded with 14. And while I can use bricks to try and keep the doors only open a certain width, it's not impossible for the adult hens to force their way inside and make a mess/harass the chicks. Plus the chicks would prefer to be outside (and let me tell you how fun it is to try to wrangle 14 chicks back inside the coop and then back inside their brooder.

I'm not a builder and Hub's to do list is quite extensive at the moment.

So, I've decided to purchase a cheap chicken coop or rabbit hutch from Amazon to keep inside the run. I may not a builder, but I can McGyver any modifations as neccesary. The new brooder would be inside the main run which is roofed and pretty secure from predators. I would keep a brooder plate inside the enclosed portion of the hutch. I have both large and small brooder plates so I have some flexiblity there.

I've narrowed my search down to 3 options, and was curious if anyone here had used these coops. I've read the reviews and I don't expect an astounding architectural masterpiece to arrive in the mail, but I do want something functional. I did check the reviews section here on BYC and did not see these particular coops/hutches listed there. If you've used the coops, I'd love to hear your feedback. If you haven't used the coops, I'd still appreciate any opinions or ideas you want to provide on which one you might prefer ot think might work better.

Coops 1 & 2 are the same price. Coops 2 & 3 are the same seller/manufacturer.

Coop #1

B BAIJIAWEI Wooden Rabbit Cage Hutch final price $130​


pros: best reviews/rating of all 3 coops, larger run space than coop #2, very few 1 & 2 star reviews, good customer servce per the reviews, this might be tall enough to use for isolation of an adult chicken if needed on down the line.
cons: primary complaint is that the wood breaks easily during assembly
Fun fact: There are 2 listings on Amazon for this IDENTICAL coop from the same seller, same price. One costs $50 to ship, and the other costs $30 to ship. I won't usually purchase things with a small # of reviews, but in this case, the listing with the higher shipping price had a lot more reviews.

Coop #2

Pawhut 62" Outdoor Rabbit Hutch with Run final price $130​



This coop's house is a little larger than coop #1 and the run is a little smaller.
Pros: Customer Service is highly rated
Cons: Overall the reviews are not as positive for this coop, and there are more complaints about the wood & structure being flimsy. The run under the house is not high enough for an adult chicken to comfortably use if I ever had a need to house an adult chicken in it.

Coop #3

PawHut Cute Chicken Coop with Cottage Design final price $180​



Pros: largest of all 3 coops, has nest boxes and is large enough to use for as an isolation/sick bay/whatever I might need for adult chickens, good customer service per reviews
Cons: more expensive, according to the reviews it's hard to put together and the directions are unclear.

Any thoguhts on these bad boys? I'll probably wind up placing my order tonight, as I would like to begin using it next week.
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